2024 - Publications

2024 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2023 - Publications


2023 - Invited talks and conference contributions

  • Bokelmann, G., 2023, Observation of the Earth`s interior: What`s new under Europe?, talk at the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
  • Bokelmann, G., 2023, Observation of the Earth`s interior: What`s new under Europe?, talk at the PhD seminar, FGGA
  • Bokelmann, G., 2023, Ambient noise tomography, talk at the Herbstkolloquium, Austrian Geophysical Society
  • Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Geothermal exploration using passive-source seismic imaging: study case of eastern Vienna, talk given at the Geothermie-Symposium, Geinberg, Austria
  • Bokelmann, G., 2024, Observation of the Earth's interior: What's new under Europe?, talk at the Earth Sciences Colloquium, WS 23/24
  • Pondrelli, S., Baccheschi, P., Bokelmann, G., Borleanu, F., Confal, J.M., Diaz, J., Mihai, A., Margheriti, L., Kaviris, G., Petrescu, L., Placinta, A., Plomerova, J., Poyraz, S.A., Salimbeni, S., Spingos, I., Stipcevic, J., Vecsey, L., Seismic Anisotropy Studies in AdriaArray Project region: an Overview, presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023
  • Aiman, Y.A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ) beneath the contiguous US revealed by ambient noise cross-correlations, presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023
  • Bokelmann, G., Lu, Y., Aiman, Y., Kramer, R., 2023, What AlpArray tells us about stress and water resources under the Alpine region, talk at the AlpArray & 4D-MB Final Scientific Meeting, Bad Hofgastein
  • Kramer, R., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Can we characterize groundwater reservoirs in central Europe from air pressure induced seismic velocity changes?, 2023, talk at the GeoBerlin Conference
  • Lu, Y., Schmid, S., M., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., Mapping the mantle transition zone discontinuities across South-Central Europe using body waves from seismic noise, 2023, posterpresentation at the GeoBerlin Conference
  • Lu, Y., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., Inferring deep soil moisture variations in Central and Southern Europe using seismic method, 2023, talk at the GeoBerlin Conference
  • Aiman, Y. A., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., SHmax orientation in the Alpine region from stress-induces anisotropy in nonlinear elasticity derived from ambient noise correlations, 2023, posterpresentation at the GeoBerlin Conference
  • Aiman, Y. A, Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Nonlinear elasticity: Application to resolve the stress-field orientation from ambient seismic noise, CTBT: Science and Technology Conference 2023, Vienna
  • Lu, Y., Schmidt, S., Wang, Q-Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Mapping the mantle transition zone discontinuities across the European Alps using body waves from seismic noise correlations, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
  • Aiman, Y.A., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, SHmax orientation in the Alpine region from stress-induced anisotropy in nonlinear elasticity derived from ambient noise correlations, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
  • Estève, C., Bokelmann, G., Aiman, Y., Kramer, R., Lu, Y., 2023, Passive source seismology at the University of Vienna, Austria: Application to the AdriaArray seismic network, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
  • Schützenhofer, D., Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Kramer, R., Aiman, Y., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray merges into Adria Array project, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
  • Kramer, R., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G.,2023, Can we characterize groundwater reservoirs in central Europe from air-pressure-induced seismic velocity changes?, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
  • Lu, Y., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Inferring deep soil moisture variations in Central Europe using seismic method, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
  • Aiman, Y.A., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Why are some faults in the Alps active, and others not? Answers from stress-induced anisotropy of nonlinear elasticity, talk at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
  • Estève, C., Liu, Y., Gong, J., Fan, W., 2023, Earthquake relocations and three-dimensional VP, VS and VP/VS along the fast-slipping Gofar oceanic transform fault, East Pacific Rise, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
  • Schutt, D., Porritt, R., Estève, E., and others, 2023, Large Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna

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2022 - Publications


2022 - Invited talks and conference contributions

  • Lu, Y., Pedersen, H., Bokelmann, G., 2022 Imaging deep Earth structures using body waves from seismic noise, oral presentation at the AGU Chicago
  • Esteve, C., Liu, Y., Seismic velocity structure of the easternmost segment of the Gofar transform fault, East Pacific Rise, presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago 2022
  • Bokelmann, G., 2022, The coming AdriaArray project, IMG departmental colloquium
  • Bokelmann, G., AlpArray und AdriaArray, Talk at the Lenhardt-Kolloquium, Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics and Geological Survey of Austria
  • Bokelmann, G., Meier, T., Kolinsky, P., Lenhardt, W., Jia, Y., The Adria Array project, presentation at the PANGEO Conference, Leoben, Austria, 2022
  • Liptai, N., Gráczer, Z., Szanyi, G., Cloetingh, S., Süle, B., Aradi, L., Falus, G., Bokelmann, G., Timkó, M., Timár, G., Szabo, C., Kovács, I., AlpArray Working Group, Seismic anisotropy beneath the western part of the Carpathian-Pannonianregion inferred from combined SKS splitting and mantle xenolith studies, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
  • Pivetta, T., Braitenberger, C., Gabrovsek, F., Gabriel, G., Meurers, B., Hydrodynamics of an allogenic karstic system from coupled gravimetric and hydrologic observations, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
  • Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Mapping the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities across the European Alps using noise correlations, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
  • Kramer, R., Bokelmann, G., Lu, Y., Delorey, A., Investigation of non-linear behavior of hard rock using relative seismic velocity changes - a case study at the GERES array in Germany, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
  • Aiman, Y., Schippkus, S., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., SHmax Orientation in the Northern Alpine Foreland from Stress-Induced Anisotropy in Nonlinear Elasticity, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
  • Liptai, N., Gráczer, Z., Szanyi, G., Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., Süle, B., Aradi, L. E., Falus, G., Bokelmann, G., Timkó, M., Timár, G., Szabó, C., Kovács, I. J., AlpArray Working Group, Evolution of anisotropy in the upper mantle of a tectonically inverted extensional basin: A joint study of xenoliths and SKS splitting from the Carpathian-Pannonian region, Goldschmidt Conference 2022, Honolulu, Hawai, USA

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2021 - Publications


2021 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2020 - Publications


2020 - Invited talks and conference contributions

  • Novoselov, A. , Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Balazs, P., Source Separation of Seismically Induced Signals, Summer of Machine Learning in Skoltech, Moscow, 2020
  • Löberich, E., Long, M. D., Wagner, L. S., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Constraints on Olivine Deformation Mechanisms from SKS Shear-Wave Splitting beneath the High Lava Plains and Northern Basin and Range, poster at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020 San Francisco
  • Novoselov, A., Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Balazs, P., Separation and denoising of seismically-induces ground-motion signals with dual path residual neural network architecture, poster at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020 San Francisco
  • Meurers, B., Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Benedek, J., Leonhardt, R., Hydrological Signals in Tilt and Gravity Residuals at Conrad Obersatory (Austria), doi.org/10.5194/hess-2020-316, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Kolínský, P., Belinić, T., Stipčević, J., Bianchi, I., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Upper mantle structure beneath the Dinarides and the Alps from surface wave tomography, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Extracting robust splitting measurements for the AlpArray using the splitting intensity method, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Schippkus, S, Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working GroupStress-field orientation and crustal deformation in the Vienna Basin region (Alpine-Pannonian-Carpathian junction), Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Fuchs, F., Novoselov, A., Bokelmann, G., Seismo-acoustic ground coupling: Wave types, transfer efficiency, and near-surface structure, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Mantle flow under the Central Alps: Constraints from non-vertical-ray SKS shear-wave splittting, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Kolínský, P., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., Upper crustal structure at the KTB drilling site from ambient noise tomography, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Hein, G., Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Matching seismic activity with potential sources using machine Learning, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Novoselov, A., Hein, G., Bokelmann, G., Fuchs, F., TraML: separation of seismically-induced ground-motion signals with Autoencoder architecture, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Bianchi, I., Chiarabba, C., De Gori, P., Agostinetti, N. P., Diffuse mantle upwelling and melts accumulation beneath the Italian Apennines, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Schlegel, J., Grass, A., Fuchs, F., CrowdSlide - a mobile web application for building a database of gravitational mass movements using volunteer field reports, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Meurers, B., Francis., O., Measuring gravity changes for decades, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Delorey, A., Pump-Probe Analysis of Nonlinear Elastic Behavior on the San Andreas Fault, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
  • Bokelmann G., Schippkus, S., On the crustal structure and stress field in the wider Vienna Basin region: New insights from AlpArray, talk at the GBA (Geologische Bundesanstalt), March, Vienna

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2019 - Publications



2019 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2018 - Publications


2018 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2017 - Publications


2017 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2016 - Publications


2016 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2015 - Publications


2015 - Invited talks and conference contributions

  • Bokelmann, G., Gribovszki, K., 2015, Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, CSNI Workshop on "Testing PSHA results and benefit of Bayesian techniques for seismic hazard assessment", Pavia
  • Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Kolinsky, P., Gröschl, G., Apoloner, M.-T. and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray in Austria and Slovakia: The network and current status, anlässlich der Sitzung der AG-Seismologie, Wildbad Kreuth, September 2015, Germany
  • Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Bokelmann, G., Perugia, I., Wechselwirkung eines seismischen Wellenfeldes mit Hohlräumen im Untergrund, anlässlich der Sitzung der AG-Seismologie, Wildbad Kreuth, Septermber 2015, Germany
  • Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Mónus, P., Kovács, K., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Hegymegi, E., Novák, A., Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, Advances in Active Tectonics and Speleotectonics 2015, Natural History Museum Vienna, Sept. 2015, Austria.
  • Boy, J. P., Barriot, J. P., Crossley, D., Ducarme, B., Förste, C., Hinderer, J., Meurers, B., Palinkas, V., Rosat, S., Wilmes, H., Wzontiek, H., Establishment of the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS), presentation at the 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prag
  • Papp, G., Meurers, B., Benedek, J., Kis, M., Szucs, E., Koppán, A., Leonhardt, R., Ruotsalainen, H., On sensor characteristics of supersonducting and spring gravity metersinvestigated by the analysis of the time series recorded by them, presentation at the 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prag
  • Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Francis, O., Pálinkàs, V., Temporal variation of tidal parameters in superconducting gravimeter time series, presentation at the 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prag
  • LeBras, R., Bokelmann, G., Sucic, V., Malnar, D., Tary, J.-B., Herrera, R. H., The Baleakanta project. A database of hydroacoustic signatures of large cetaceans. A few cases of individual animal identification, presentation at Science and Technology 2015 at the CTBTO, Vienna
  • Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Slab detachment under the Eastern Alps seen by seismic anisotropy, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
  • Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Apoloner, M.-T., Kolinsky, P. and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray Austria: The network and current status, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
  • Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismic wave interaction with underground cavities, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
  • Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling Regional Depth Phases for Eastern Austria, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
  • Bokelmann, G., Qorbani, E., 2015, Seismic anisotropy under the Alps, invited departmental colloquium, Universität Salzburg
  • Bokelmann, G., Qorbani, E., 2015, Seismic anisotropy under the Alps, invited departmental colloquium Eötvös Lorand Univeristy, Budapest
  • Bokelmann, G., Gribovszki, K., 2015, Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, CSNI Workshop on "Testing PSHA results and benefit of Bayesian techniques for seismic hazard assessment", Pavia
  • Eken, F., Kind, R., Tilmann, F., Sodoudi, F., Taymaz, T., Bulut, F., Yuan, X., Can, B., Schneider, F., Thickness of the lithosphere beneath Anatolia from S receiver functions, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Eken, T., Kufner, S.-K., Tilmann, F., Schurr, B., Yuan, X., Mechie, J., Schneider, F., Sippl, C., Haberland, C., Kind, R., Seismic evidence for a sub-lithosphere origin of anisotropy beneath the Pamir, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Fuchs, F., Lupi, M., Miller, S. A., 2015, Remotely triggered nonvolcanic tremor in Sumbawa, Indonesia, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Malek, J., Brokesova, J., Kolinsky, P., Small-aperture array translational and rotational seismograms from distant earthquakes - an example of Jan Mayen Mw 6.8 of August 30, 2012 earthquake, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Van Camp, M., Meurers, B., Viron de, O., Forbriger, T., Optimized strategy for the calibration of superconducting gravimeters at the one per mille level, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Mónus, P., Kovács, K., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Bednárik, M., Brimich, L., Contraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Tary, J. B., Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Implications of mainshock-aftershocks interactions during the 2013 Ebreichsdorf sequence, Austria, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Schöberl, J., Bokelmann, G., Numerical study of wave propagation around an underground cavity: acoustic case, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Apoloner, M.-T. and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray Austia - Illuminating the subsurface of Austria and understanding of Alpine geodynamics, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling and Detection of Regional Depth Phases at the GERESS Array, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Ebreichsdorf 2013 Earthquake Series: Relative Location, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Slab detachment under the Eastern Alps seen by seismic anisotropy, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Kovács, I., Falus, G., Anisotropic Structure of the Upper Mantle in the Pannonian Basin: From SKS Splitting data and Xenolith Constraints,  presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Qorbani, E., Kurz, W., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Correlated crustal and mantle deformation in the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Bianchi, I., Lucente, P. F., Chiarabba, C., Agostinetti, N. P., A close-up on the southern Apennines crustal structure, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Bianchi, I., Anselmi, M., Apoloner, M.-T., Qorbani, E., Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Ground Truth and Application for the Anisotropic Receiver Functions Technique - Test site KTB: the installation campaign, invited talk at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Plomerova, J., Bianchi, I., Hetényi G., Munzarová, H., Bokelmann, G., Kissling, E., AlpArray-EASI Working Group and AlpArray-EASI Field Team, The Eastern Alpine Seismic Investigation (EASI) project, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Lucente, F. P., Agostinetti, N. P., Di Bona, M., Govoni, A., Bianchi, I., Crustal structures across the lateral edge of the Southern Tyrrhenian slab, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria

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2014 - Publications


2014 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2013 - Publications


2013 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2012 - Publications


2012 - Invited talks and conference contributions

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2011 - Publications


2011 - Invited talks and conference contributions

  • Bokelmann, G., 2011, Das Erdbeben in Japan: Ursache und Auswirkungen  - Seismologische Betrachtungen, Invited Talk at the Austrian Geophysical Society Meeting, Vienna
  • Lenhardt, W., Meurers, B., 2011, Seismological observations in Austria - The Tohoku earthquake and its impact on gravity, Invited Talk at the Austrian Geophysical Society Meeting, Vienna, 03.11.2011
  • Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2011, Atmospheric effects on gravity, Invited Talk, Seminar on Current Research in Advanced Geodesy, 12.10.2011, TU Vienna
  • Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2011, Atmospheric effects on gravity, Meteorologisch-Geophysikalisches Kolloquium, 21.06.2011, Univ. Vienna
  • Bokelmann, G., 2011, Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Projekte in der Geophysik an den Wiener Universitäten, Invited Talk at the Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics, Montan Universität Leoben
  • Kiraly, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2011, Seismic anisotropy in the South Western Pacific region from shear wave splitting, presentation at the European Geosciences Union Meeting, Vienna
  • Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., Blaumoser, N., 2011, Atmospheric signals in the SG gravity record at Conrad Observatory, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-12474, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011
  • Bokelmann, G., 2011, Das Sendai-Beben in Japan vom 11.3.2011, General public lecture at the University of Vienna, March 2011 (Kurier-Artikel)
  • Bokelmann, G., Felt, U., Lueger-Schuster, B., Linhart, S., 2011, Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen der Japan-Katastrophe, General public lectures at the University of Vienna, March 30th 2011
  • Bokelmann, G., Steinacker, R., Kromp, W., 2011, Informationsveranstaltung zur Naturkatastrophe in Japan, General public lectures at the University of Vienna, March 15th 2011
  • Bokelmann, G., Kiraly, E., Bianchi, I., 2011, Seismic anisotropy in the South Western Pacific region from shear-wave splitting, Poster at the CTBTO Science & Technology session, Vienna

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2010 - Publications


2010 - Invited talks and conference contributions

  • Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2010, Environmental effects on gravity at Conrad Observatory, Austria, PANGEO, 15. – 19. September 2010
  • Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2010, Environmental effects on gravity at Conrad Observatory, Austria, Herbsttagung 2010, Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik
  • Meurers, B., 2010, Gravity field research in Austria, Invited Talk at the Austrian Geophysical Society Meeting, Vienna, 06.10.2010

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2009 - Publications

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2008 - Publications

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2007 - Publications

  • Jiang, Z., Becker, M., Francis, O., Germak, A., Palinkas, V., Jousset, P., Kostelecky, J., Dupont, F., Lee, C.W., Tsai, C.L., Falk, R., Wilmes, H., Kopaev, A., Ruess, D., Ullrich, C., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Deroussi, S., Métivier L., Pajot, G., Pereira Dos Santos, F., van Ruymbeke, M., Naslin S., Ferry, M., 2009: Relative Gravity Measurement Campaign during the 7th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (2005).  Metrologia, 46, 214–226, doi:10.1088/0026-1394/46/3/008.
  • Bokelmann, G., Maufroy, E., 2007, Mantle structure under Gibraltar constrained by seismic waveform complexity, Geophys. Res. Let., 34, L22305, doi:10.1029/2007GL030964,
  • Fontaine, F.R., Barruol, G., Tommasi, A., Bokelmann, G., Reymond, D., 2007, Upper mantle flow beneath Polynesia from shear-wave splitting, Geophys. J. Int., 169, 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03475.x
  • Meurers, B., Ruess, D., 2007: Compilation of a new Bouguer gravity data base in Austria. In: Brunner, F., Kahmen, H., Schuh, H. (Eds.), Austrian Contributions to IUGG 2007, Perugia, Italy, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation, 95 (2), 90–94.
  • Meurers, B., Vajda, P., 2007: Some aspects of Bouguer gravity determination - revisited. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, Volume 36, Special issue: 2nd Workshop on International Gravity Field Research, Smolenice 2006, 99–112.
  • Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Petermans, T., 2007: Correcting  superconducting gravity time-series using rainfall modelling at the Vienna and Membach stations and application to Earth tide analysis,  Journal of Geodesy, 81, 11, 703–712, DOI-10.1007/s00190-007-0137-1,
  • Walker, K.T., Bokelmann, G.H.R., Klemperer, S.L., Bock, G., and the Eifel plume team, 2007, Seismic anisotropy in the asthenosphere beneath the Eifel region, in: Mantle plumes – a multidisciplinary approach, ed. By J.R.R. Ritter and U.R. Christensen, Springer-Verlag, VIII, p. 439-464
  • Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, G., 2007, Null detection in shear-wave splitting measurements, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 97, 4, 1204-1211

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