2025 - Publications
- Kramer, R., Lu, Y., Wang, Q.-Y., Serafin, S., Ceppi, A., Bokelmann, G., Identifying large vulnerable water reservoirs using passive seismic monitoring, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 653, 2025, doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2025.119223
- Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Gosselin, J.M., Kramer, R., Aiman, Y., Bokelmann, G., The seismic signature and geothermal potential of the Schwechat Depression in the Vienna Basin, Austria, from ambient noise tomography, Geothermics, Volume 127, 2025, doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.103211
- Esteve, C., Audet, P., Schutt, D. L., Aster, R. C., Schaeffer, A. J. & Cubley, J. F., Structure, Origin, and Deformation of the Lithosphere in the NOrthern Canadian Cordillera From High-Resolution, Passive-Source Seismic Velocity Models, in: Tectonics and Seismic Structure of Alaska and Northwestern Canada: EarthScope and Beyond: Geophysical Monograph Series, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-394-19591-6, Chapter 7, 2025
2025 - Invited talks and conference contributions
2024 - Publications
- Paul, A., Pedersen, H., Bodin, T., Kästle, E., Soergel, D., Chloé, A., Lu. Y., Nouibat, A., 2024, Methodological advances on seismic noise imaging in the Alpine area, C. R. Geosi, doi: 10.5802/crgeos.261
- Wang, Q-Y, Cui, X., Frank, W., Lu, Y,, Hirose, T., Obara, K., 2024, Untangling the environmental and tectonic drivers of the Noto earthquake swarm in Japan, Sci. Adv. 10 (19), doi 10.1126/sciadv.ado1469
- Pivetta, T., Braitenberg, C., Gabrovšek, F., Gabriel, G., Meurers, B., Gravimetry and hydrologic data to constrain the hydrodynamics of a karstic area: The Škocjan Caves study case, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 629, 2024, doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130453https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130453
2024 - Invited talks and conference contributions
Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Gosselin, J., Seismic ambient noise tomography for geothermal exploration: the Eastern Vienna Array, 85th EAGE, Oslo, conference paper, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.2024101124
- Bokelmann, G., Esteve, D., Lu, Y., 2024, Passive seismic imaging for geothermal reservoirs: the Schwechat depression under Eastern Vienna, poster at the Pangeo conference, Salzburg
- Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2024, Umgebungsgeräuschtomographie für die geothermische Exploration: Das zentrale Wiener Becken, Österreich, Vortrag bei Geomechanik Kolloquium 2024 in Salzburg
- Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Gosselin, J., Bokelmann, G., 2024, Noise-based passive seismics: a cost-effective and environmental-friendly approach for geothermal exploration, presentation at the Geothermal Conference, Potsdam
- Esteve, C., 2024, Passive seismics: a cost-effective approach for geothermal exploration, Erdwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Uni Wien
- Lu, Y., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., Mapping large-scale deep soil moisture variation using ambient seismic noise, poster presentation at the EGU 2024
- Aiman, Y. A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ) beneath the contiguous US revealed by ambient noise cross-correlations, poster presentation at the EGU 2024
- Estève, C., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Gosselin, J., Ambient noise tomography for geothermal exploration: the central Vienna basin, Austria, poster presentation at the EGU2024
- Kramer, R., Lu, Y., Wang, Q., Bokelmann, G., Sub-daily seismic velocity changes as indicator for large vulnerable groundwater reservoirs, poster presentation at the EGU2024
- Kalmár, D., Michailos, K., Petrescu, L, Hetényi, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray and PACASE Working Groups, Mantle Transition Zone structure beneath the Central and Eastern European region based on P-to-S Receiver Function analysis, poster presentation at the EGU2024
- Aiman, Y.A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2024, Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ) beneath the contiguous US revealed by ambient noise correlations, poster presentation at the AdriaArray Workshop, Sofia
- Bokelmann, Götz, Estéve, Clement, Lu, Yang, 2024, Passive Untergrundserkundung für tiefe Geothermie, am Beispiel von Ost-Wien, oral presentation given at the GDMB-Sitzung des Fachausschusses für Geothermie, Wien
Bokelmann, G., Observation of Earth`s interior: what`s new under Europe?, Earth Sciences Kolloquium, University of Vienna
- Meurers, B., Massentransporte im System Erde und ihre Signale in gravimetrischen Zeitreihen, Plenarvortrag (invited talk) at the 84. Jahrestagung der DGG 2024, Jena
2023 - Publications
- Aiman, Y.A., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, SHmax orientation in the northern alpine foreland from stress-induced anisotropy in nonlenear elasticity revealed by seismic velocity changes, Geophys. J. Int. 235 (3), 2137-2148, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggad353
- Lu, Y., Schmid, S. M., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., Mapping the mantle transition zone discontinuities across South-Central europe using body waves from seismic noise correlations, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118457
- Kramer, R., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Interaction of Air Pressure and Groundwater as Main Cause of sub-Daily Relative Seismic Velocity Change, Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101298
2023 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Bokelmann, G., 2023, Observation of the Earth`s interior: What`s new under Europe?, talk at the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
- Bokelmann, G., 2023, Observation of the Earth`s interior: What`s new under Europe?, talk at the PhD seminar, FGGA
- Bokelmann, G., 2023, Ambient noise tomography, talk at the Herbstkolloquium, Austrian Geophysical Society
- Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Geothermal exploration using passive-source seismic imaging: study case of eastern Vienna, talk given at the Geothermie-Symposium, Geinberg, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., 2024, Observation of the Earth's interior: What's new under Europe?, talk at the Earth Sciences Colloquium, WS 23/24
- Pondrelli, S., Baccheschi, P., Bokelmann, G., Borleanu, F., Confal, J.M., Diaz, J., Mihai, A., Margheriti, L., Kaviris, G., Petrescu, L., Placinta, A., Plomerova, J., Poyraz, S.A., Salimbeni, S., Spingos, I., Stipcevic, J., Vecsey, L., Seismic Anisotropy Studies in AdriaArray Project region: an Overview, presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023
- Aiman, Y.A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ) beneath the contiguous US revealed by ambient noise cross-correlations, presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023
- Bokelmann, G., Lu, Y., Aiman, Y., Kramer, R., 2023, What AlpArray tells us about stress and water resources under the Alpine region, talk at the AlpArray & 4D-MB Final Scientific Meeting, Bad Hofgastein
- Kramer, R., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Can we characterize groundwater reservoirs in central Europe from air pressure induced seismic velocity changes?, 2023, talk at the GeoBerlin Conference
- Lu, Y., Schmid, S., M., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., Mapping the mantle transition zone discontinuities across South-Central Europe using body waves from seismic noise, 2023, posterpresentation at the GeoBerlin Conference
- Lu, Y., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., Inferring deep soil moisture variations in Central and Southern Europe using seismic method, 2023, talk at the GeoBerlin Conference
- Aiman, Y. A., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., SHmax orientation in the Alpine region from stress-induces anisotropy in nonlinear elasticity derived from ambient noise correlations, 2023, posterpresentation at the GeoBerlin Conference
- Aiman, Y. A, Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Nonlinear elasticity: Application to resolve the stress-field orientation from ambient seismic noise, CTBT: Science and Technology Conference 2023, Vienna
- Lu, Y., Schmidt, S., Wang, Q-Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Mapping the mantle transition zone discontinuities across the European Alps using body waves from seismic noise correlations, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
- Aiman, Y.A., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, SHmax orientation in the Alpine region from stress-induced anisotropy in nonlinear elasticity derived from ambient noise correlations, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
- Estève, C., Bokelmann, G., Aiman, Y., Kramer, R., Lu, Y., 2023, Passive source seismology at the University of Vienna, Austria: Application to the AdriaArray seismic network, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
- Schützenhofer, D., Esteve, C., Lu, Y., Kramer, R., Aiman, Y., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray merges into Adria Array project, presentation at the AdriaArray workshop, Dubrovnik
- Kramer, R., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G.,2023, Can we characterize groundwater reservoirs in central Europe from air-pressure-induced seismic velocity changes?, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
- Lu, Y., Wang, Q.-Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Inferring deep soil moisture variations in Central Europe using seismic method, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
- Aiman, Y.A., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., 2023, Why are some faults in the Alps active, and others not? Answers from stress-induced anisotropy of nonlinear elasticity, talk at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
- Estève, C., Liu, Y., Gong, J., Fan, W., 2023, Earthquake relocations and three-dimensional VP, VS and VP/VS along the fast-slipping Gofar oceanic transform fault, East Pacific Rise, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
- Schutt, D., Porritt, R., Estève, E., and others, 2023, Large Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography, presentation at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
2022 - Publications
- Schutt, D. L., Porritt, R. W., Estève, C., Audet, P., Gosselin, J. M., Schaeffer, A., J., Aster, R. C., Freymueller, J. T., Cubley, J. F., Lithospheric S Wave Velocity Variations Beneath the Mackenzie Mountains and Northern Canadian Cordillera, JGR Solid Earth, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025517
- Gosselin, J. M., Audet, P., Estève, C., Schaeffer, A., J., Probabilistic inversion of circular phase spectra: Application to two-station phase-velocity dispersion estimation in western Canada, Geophysical Journal International 2022, ggac506, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggac506
- Liptai, N., Graczer, Z., Szanyi, G., Cloetingh, S. A.P.L., Süle, B., Aradi, L. E., Falus, G., Bokelmann, G., Timko, M., Timar, G., Szabo, C., Kovacs, I. J., the AlpArray Working Group, Seismic anisotropy in the mantle of a tectonically inverted extensional basin: A shear-wave splitting and mantle xenolith study on the western Carpathian-Pannonian region, Tectonophysic, 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229643
- Lu, Y., Ben-Zion, Y., 2022, Validation of the southern California seismic velocity models with full waveform simulations, Geophys. J. Int. 229(2), 1232-1254, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab534
- Esteve, C., Liu, Y., Koulakov, I., Schaeffer, A. J., Audet, P., Seismic Evidence for a Weakened Thick Crust at the Beaufort Sea Continental Margin, 2022, Geophysical Research Letter, doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100158
- Fang, H., Malcolm, C., Lu, Y., & Ben-Zion, Y., 2022. Seismic traveltime tomography of Southen California using Poisson-Voronoi cells and 20 years of data, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 127(5), doi: 10.1029/2021JB02337
- Korostelev, F., Lu, Y., Magrini, F., Boschi, L., Leroy, S., & Vétel, W., 2022. Images of the African rift by globle adaptive-resolution surface-wave tomography, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 127(6), doi: 10.1029/2021JB023570
- Radi, Z., Chaouche, A.Y., Guettouche, S., Bokelmann, G., 2022, Upper mantle Anisotropy beneath Northern Algeria from Shear-Wave splitting, Annals of Geophysics 65
- Qorbani, E., Kolinsky, P., Bianchi, I., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., Upper crustal structure at the KTB drilling site from ambient noise tomography, GJI, 2022, 231(2), pp 982-995, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggac233
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Mantle flow under the Central Alps: constraints from shear-wave splitting for non-vertically-incident SKS waves, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2022 329-330, doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2022.106904
- Novoselov, A., Balazs, P., Bokelmann, G., SEDENOSS: SEparating and DENOising Seismic Signals With Dual-Path Recurrent Neural Network Architecture, JGR: Solid Earth, 2022, 127(3), e2021JB023183, doi.org/10.1029/2021JB023183
- Tesch, M., Stampa, J., Meier, T., Kissling, E., Hetényi, G., Friederich, W., Weber, M., Heit, B., the AlpArray Woring Group, Imaging seismic wave-fields with AlpArray and neighboring European networks, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2022, 111(1), pp. 321-334, doi.org/10.1007/s00531-021-02116-7
- Novoselov, A., Dorninger, M., Diendorfer., G., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArrayWorkingGroup, Seismoacoustic Study of Thunder and Lightning Using the AlpArray, Seismological Research Letters (2022), https://doi.org/10.1785/022022006
2022 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Lu, Y., Pedersen, H., Bokelmann, G., 2022 Imaging deep Earth structures using body waves from seismic noise, oral presentation at the AGU Chicago
- Esteve, C., Liu, Y., Seismic velocity structure of the easternmost segment of the Gofar transform fault, East Pacific Rise, presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago 2022
- Bokelmann, G., 2022, The coming AdriaArray project, IMG departmental colloquium
- Bokelmann, G., AlpArray und AdriaArray, Talk at the Lenhardt-Kolloquium, Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics and Geological Survey of Austria
- Bokelmann, G., Meier, T., Kolinsky, P., Lenhardt, W., Jia, Y., The Adria Array project, presentation at the PANGEO Conference, Leoben, Austria, 2022
- Liptai, N., Gráczer, Z., Szanyi, G., Cloetingh, S., Süle, B., Aradi, L., Falus, G., Bokelmann, G., Timkó, M., Timár, G., Szabo, C., Kovács, I., AlpArray Working Group, Seismic anisotropy beneath the western part of the Carpathian-Pannonianregion inferred from combined SKS splitting and mantle xenolith studies, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
- Pivetta, T., Braitenberger, C., Gabrovsek, F., Gabriel, G., Meurers, B., Hydrodynamics of an allogenic karstic system from coupled gravimetric and hydrologic observations, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
- Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., Mapping the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities across the European Alps using noise correlations, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
- Kramer, R., Bokelmann, G., Lu, Y., Delorey, A., Investigation of non-linear behavior of hard rock using relative seismic velocity changes - a case study at the GERES array in Germany, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
- Aiman, Y., Schippkus, S., Delorey, A., Lu, Y., Bokelmann, G., SHmax Orientation in the Northern Alpine Foreland from Stress-Induced Anisotropy in Nonlinear Elasticity, oral presentation at EGU Annual Meeting 2022, Vienna
- Liptai, N., Gráczer, Z., Szanyi, G., Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., Süle, B., Aradi, L. E., Falus, G., Bokelmann, G., Timkó, M., Timár, G., Szabó, C., Kovács, I. J., AlpArray Working Group, Evolution of anisotropy in the upper mantle of a tectonically inverted extensional basin: A joint study of xenoliths and SKS splitting from the Carpathian-Pannonian region, Goldschmidt Conference 2022, Honolulu, Hawai, USA
2021 - Publications
- Lu, Y., Pedersen, H., Stehly, L., AlpArray Working Group, 2021, Mapping the seismic noise field in Europe: spatio-temporal variations in wavefield composition and noise source contributions, Geophys. J. Int., 228(1), 171-192, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab273
- Lu, Y., Ben-Zion, Y., 2021, Regional seismic velocity changes following the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake California earthquake from autocorrelations and P/S converted waves, Geophys. J. Inter., 228(1), 171-192, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab350
- Tommaso, P., Braitenberg, C., Gabrovsek, F., Gabriel, G., Meurers, B., Gravity as a tool to improve the hydrologic mass budget in karstic areas, Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 6001-6021, doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-6001-2021, 2021
- Löberich, E., Long, M.D., Wagner, L.S., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., 2021, Constraints on olivine deformation from SKS shear-wave splitting beneath the southern Cascadia subduction zone back-arc, G3, AGU, doi: 10.1029/2021GC010091
- Hein, G., Kolinsky, P., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Shear-Wave Splitting in the Alpine Region, GJI, 2021, ggab305, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggab305
- Delorey, A., Bokelmann, G., Johnson, C., Johnson, P., Estimation of the orientation of stress in the Earth's crust, Nature, doi.org/10.1038/s43247-021-00244-1
- Delorey, A., Guyer, R., A., Bokelmann, D., Johnson, P. A., Probing the Damage Zone at Parkfield, GRL, 2021, doi.org/10.1029/2021GL093518
- Zahorec, P., Papco, J., Pasteka, R., Bielik, M., Bonvalot, S., Braitenberg, C., Ebbing, J., Gabriel, G., Gosar, A., Grand, A., Götze, H.-J., Hetenyi, G., Holzrichter, N., Kissling, E., Marti, U., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Nogova, E., Pastorutti, A., Salaun, C., Scarponi, M., Sebera, J., Seoane, L., Skiba, P., Szucs, E., Varga, M., The first pan-Alpine surface-gravity database, a modern compilation that crosses frontiers, Earth System Science Data, 13, 2165-2209, 2021 doi.org/10.5194/essd-13.2165-2021
- Rychert, C. A., Tharimena, S., Harmon, N., Wang, S., Constable, S., Kendall, M., Bogiatzis, P., Agius, M. R., Schlaphorst, D., A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary near the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, volumne 566, 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116949
- Lobo, A., Thompson, A. F., Vance, S. D., Tharimena, S., A pole-to-equator icean overturining circulation on Enceladus, Nature, 14, 185-189, 2021
- Kolinsky, P., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, 2021, On the wobbles of phases-velocity dispersion curves, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa487 Geophysical Journal International
- Agius, M., Rychert, C. A., Harmon, N., Tharimena, S., Kendall, J. M., A thin mantle transition zone beneath the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Nature, 589 p. 562-566 (2021)
- Meurers, B., Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Benedek, J., Leonhardt, R., 2021, Hydrological signals in tilt and gravity residuals at Conrad Observatory (Austria), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25, 217-239, https://hess.copernicus.org/articles/25/217/2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-217-2021
- Bianchi, I., Ruigrok, E., Obermann, A., Kissling, E., Moho topography beneath the Eastern Europea Alps by globald phase seismic interferometry, Solid Earth Discuss. (2021), doi.org/10.5194/se-2020-179
- Obermann, A., Ruigrok, E., Bianchi, I., Hetényi, G., Constraining the Moho Depth Below Bhutan With Global-Phase Seismic Interferometry, Frontieres in Earth Science 9:658146 (2021), doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.658146
2021 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Meurers, B. (speaker), Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Benedek, J., Leonhardt, R., Environmental effects in tilt and gravity residuals observed at Conrad Observatory (Austria), Gravitation and textonics/symmetry hybrid workshop, 1. October 2021, 6th Int. Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical site Characterization , Budapest, Hungary
- Novoselov, A., Sinkovics, K, Bokelmann, G, This earthquake doesn't exist, NeurIPS 2021, Workshop AI4Science, poster
- Novoselov, A., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., Seismo-acoustic study of thunder using the AlpArray, ESC 2021 (European Seismological Commission)
- Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Kolinsky, P., Bianchi, I., the AlpArray Working Group, Shear-wave splitting in the Alpine region, oral presentation at the ESC 2021(European Seismological Commission)
- Aiman, Y., Schippkus, S., Delorey, A., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Stress-field orientation inferred from ambient seismic noise from the Northern Alpine foreland. ESC 2021 (European Seismological Commission)
- Spacek, P., Zacherle, P., Meurers, R., Pazdirkova, J., Bokelmann, G., Schippkus, S., the AlpArray Working Group, Regional attenuation of amplitudes in a structurally complex crust at the orogenic front: case of Mw3.7 Alland 2016 earthquake, presentation at the ESC 2021 (European Seismological Commission)
- Delorey, A., Bokelmann, G., Johnson, C. W., Johnson, P. A., Measuring the orientation of SHmax using ambient seismic noise, AGU 2021
- Novoselov, A., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., Seismo-acoustic study of thunder using the AlpArray, AGU 2021
- Tharimena, S., Agius, M., Hetenyi, G., Bokelmann, G., Receiver function imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Alpine region, AGU 2021
- Lu, Yang, Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Mapping depth variations of the 410 km and 660 km discontinuities across Europe using noise correlations, AGU 2021
- Tharimena, S., Hetényi, G., Bianchi, I., Agius, M., Bokelmann, G., Constraints on the state of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Alpine region using Ps receiver funtions, IASPEI 2021
- Kolinsky, P., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Exploring the upper mantle using surface-wave diffraction,talk at the IASPEI 2021
- Pivetta, T., Braitenberg, C., Gabrovsek, F., Meurers, B., Gabriel, G., Monitoring fast water storage variations in Karst through gravimetry: a study case from the Classical Karst, Scientific Assembly of the Internatinal Association of Geodesy, IAG 2021, Beijing, China
- Zahorec, P., Papco, J., Pasteka, R., Bielik, M., Bonvalot, S., Braitenberg, C., Ebbing, J., Gabriel, G., Gosar, A., Grand, A., Götze, H.-J., Hetenyi, G., Holzrichter, N., Kissling, E., Marti, U., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Nogova, E., Pastorutti, A., Salaun, C., Scarponi, M., Sebera, J., Seoane, L., Skiba, P., Szücs, E., Varga, M., The compilation of the new Alpine gravity maps - from the work of the AlpArray Gravity Research Group, GeoKarlsruhe 2021
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Persistent monochromatic seismic signals across central Europe: AlpArray data indicate a man-made seismic source for regional wave propagation studies, poster at the EGU, Vienna, 2021
- Löberich, E., Long, M. D., Wagner, L. S., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Constraints on olivine deformation mechanisms from SKS shear-wave splitting beneath the High Lava Plains, Northwestern Basin and Range and Western Yellowstone Snake River Plain, Poster at the EGU, Vienna, 2021
- Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., ThunderSeis: Seismic analysis of thunder signals recorded at the Gaisberg mountain, Austria, Poster at the EGU, Vienna 2021
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Kolinsky, P., Bokelmann, G., Upper crustal structure at the KTB drilling site from ambient noise tomography, poster at the EGU, Vienna, 2021
- Spacek, P., Zacherle, P., Bokelmann, G., Schippkus, S., Meurers, R., Pazdirkova, J., the AlpArray Working Group, Crustal shear wave blockage in and around the Eastern Alps from the 2016 Alland earthquake, poster at the EGU, Vienna, 2021
- Schneider, F., Kolinsky, P., Bokelmann, G., Finite-frequency effects for imaging underground cavities, Poster at the EGU, Vienna, 2021
- Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Bianchi, I., Kolinsky, P., the AlpArray Working Group, Shear-Wave Splitting in the Alpine Region, poster at the EGU, Vienna, 2021
2020 - Publications
- Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Acoustic-to-seismic ground coupling: coupling efficiency and inferring near-surface properties, COBS journal (Conrad Oberservatory Journal), Volume 11, 2020
- Belinic, T., Kolínský, P., Stipcevic, J., the AlpArray Working Group, Shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Dinarides from the inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, vol. 555, doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116686
- Chiarabba, C., Bianchi, I., De Gori, P., Agostinetti, N. P., Mantle upwelling beneath the Apennines identified by receiver function imaging, 2020, Scientific Report 10, nature.com, 19760 (2020), doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76515-2
- Qorbani, E., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray-EASI Working Group, 2020, Crustal structures beneath the Eastern and Southern Alps from ambient noise tomography, doi.org/10.5194/se-11-1947-2020, Solid Earth
- Meurers, B., Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Benedek, J., Leonhardt, R., Hydrological Signals in Tilt and Gravity Residuals at Conrad Obersatory (Austria), doi.org/10.5194/hess-2020-316, in Hydrology and Earth Sysstem Sciences
- Schippkus, S., Garden, M., Bokelmann, G., Characteristics of the Ambient Seismic Field on a Large-N Seismic Array in the Vienna Basin, SRL, doi.org/10.1785/0220200153
- Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., 2020, Acoustic-to-seismic ground coupling: coupling efficiency and inferring near-surface properties, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa304, Geophys. J. Int.
- Kolinský, P., Schneider, F. M., Bokelmann, G., Surface wave diffraction pattern recorded on AlpArray: Cameroon Volcanic Line case study, JGR Solid Earth, 2020, doi 10.1029/2019JBO19102
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Flow plane orientation in the upper mantle under the Western/Central United States from SKS shear-wave splitting observations, GJI 2020, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa060
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Azimuthal anisotropy in the wider Vienna Basin region: A proxy for the present-day stress field and deformation, GJI 2020, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz565
- Koppán, A., Benedek, J., Kis, M., Meurers, B., Papp, G., Scale factor determination of spring type gravimeters in the amplitude range of tides by a moving mass device, Austria Metrologia 57 (2020), 015006 (19pp), doi.org/10.1088/1681-7575/ab3eaf
2020 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Novoselov, A. , Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Balazs, P., Source Separation of Seismically Induced Signals, Summer of Machine Learning in Skoltech, Moscow, 2020
- Löberich, E., Long, M. D., Wagner, L. S., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Constraints on Olivine Deformation Mechanisms from SKS Shear-Wave Splitting beneath the High Lava Plains and Northern Basin and Range, poster at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020 San Francisco
- Novoselov, A., Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Balazs, P., Separation and denoising of seismically-induces ground-motion signals with dual path residual neural network architecture, poster at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020 San Francisco
- Meurers, B., Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Benedek, J., Leonhardt, R., Hydrological Signals in Tilt and Gravity Residuals at Conrad Obersatory (Austria), doi.org/10.5194/hess-2020-316, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Kolínský, P., Belinić, T., Stipčević, J., Bianchi, I., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Upper mantle structure beneath the Dinarides and the Alps from surface wave tomography, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Extracting robust splitting measurements for the AlpArray using the splitting intensity method, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Schippkus, S, Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working GroupStress-field orientation and crustal deformation in the Vienna Basin region (Alpine-Pannonian-Carpathian junction), Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Fuchs, F., Novoselov, A., Bokelmann, G., Seismo-acoustic ground coupling: Wave types, transfer efficiency, and near-surface structure, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Mantle flow under the Central Alps: Constraints from non-vertical-ray SKS shear-wave splittting, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Kolínský, P., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., Upper crustal structure at the KTB drilling site from ambient noise tomography, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Hein, G., Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Matching seismic activity with potential sources using machine Learning, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Novoselov, A., Hein, G., Bokelmann, G., Fuchs, F., TraML: separation of seismically-induced ground-motion signals with Autoencoder architecture, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Bianchi, I., Chiarabba, C., De Gori, P., Agostinetti, N. P., Diffuse mantle upwelling and melts accumulation beneath the Italian Apennines, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Schlegel, J., Grass, A., Fuchs, F., CrowdSlide - a mobile web application for building a database of gravitational mass movements using volunteer field reports, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Meurers, B., Francis., O., Measuring gravity changes for decades, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Delorey, A., Pump-Probe Analysis of Nonlinear Elastic Behavior on the San Andreas Fault, Chat at the EGU 2020, Vienna
- Bokelmann G., Schippkus, S., On the crustal structure and stress field in the wider Vienna Basin region: New insights from AlpArray, talk at the GBA (Geologische Bundesanstalt), March, Vienna
2019 - Publications
- Dashti, F., Lucente, F. P., Motaghi, K., Bianchi, I., Najafi, M., Govoni, A., Shabanian, E., Crustal scale imaging of the Arabia - Central Iran collision boundary across the Zagros suture zone, west of Iran, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2019, doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085921
- McBrearty, I., Gomberg, J., Delorey, A., Johnson, P., Earthquake Arrival Association with Backprojection and Graph Theory, BSSA, doi 10.1785/120190081
- Schippkus, S., Hausmann, H., Duputel, Z., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, The Alland earthquake sequence in Eastern Austria: Shedding light on tectonic stress geometry in a key area of seismic hazard, AJES (Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences), 2019 https://doi.org/10.17738/ajes.2019.0010
- Lukešová, R., Fotíková, L., Málek, J. and Kolínský, P., 2019, Seismic waves velocities inferred from the surface waves dispersion in the Malé Karpaty Mountains, Slovakia, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 16, 4(196), 451-464, doi 10.13168/AGG.2019.0038
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2019, Probing Crustal Anisotropy by Receiver Functions at the Deep Continental Drilling Site KTB in Southern Germany, Geophysical Prospecting, doi:10.1111/1365-2478.12883
- Fuchs, F., Schneider, F.M., Kolinsky, P., Serafin, S., Bokelmann, G., Rich observations of local and regional infrasound phases made by the AlpArray seismic network after refinery explosion, Scientific Reports 2019, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-49494-2
- Meurers, B., Monitoring time variable gravity - bridging Geodesy and Geophysics, Vermessung & Geoinformation 2/2019, S. 101-108
- Kolínský, P., Bokelmann, G. and the AlpArray Working Group, Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray, Geophysical Journal International, 2019, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz081
2019 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, First results of the (Infrasound-Seismoacoustic) "Ground Coupling Experiment", oral presentation at the CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop 2019 ITW, Jordan
- Fuchs, F., Novoselov, A., Bokelmann, G., Ground Coupling Experiment: Comparison of firework acoustic signals on co-located pressure and seismic sensors, oral presentation at the CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop 2019 ITW, Jordan
- Hein, G., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Extracting robust splitting measurements from the splitting intensity method, poster at the 2nd AlpArray Meeting, Frankfurt 2019
- Fuchs, F., Hibert, C., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Resolving temporal evolution of rockslide sequences using AlpArray, poster at the 2nd AlpArray Science Meeting, Frankfurt 2019
- Fuchs, F., Schneider, F., Kolinsky, P., Serafin, S., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Widespread infrasound detection by AlpArray after explosion near Ingolstadt, talk at the 2nd AlpArray meeting Frankfurt 2019
- Pivetta, T., Braitenberg, C., Gabrovsek, F., Meurers, B., Gabriel, G., Water mass movements in Classical Karst depicted by continuous gravity measurement, presentation at the AGU FAll Meeting 2019 San Francisco
- Volaric, I., Sucic, V., Bokelmann, G., Sparse Time-Frequency Distribution Calculation with an Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm, DOI:10.1109/ISPA.2019.8868576, Conference Paper at the, 11th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), 2019
- Bokelmann, G., Schippkus, S., Structure and stress field in the Vienna Basin region: New insights from AlpArray, Erdwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Uni Wien
- Kolínský, P., Bokelmann, G. and the AlpArray Working Group, Upper Mantle Imaging with Surface Wave Diffraction: AlpArray Seismic Network and the Cameroon Volcanic Line, poster at the CTBTO, SnT 2019, Vienna
- Fuchs, F., Schneider, F., Kolinsky, P., Serfain, S., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Iniviative, Complex Propagation of Explosion-Generated Infrasound Revealed by the Large-Scale AlpArray Seismic Network, talk at the CTBTO, SnT 2019, Vienna
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Flow Plane Orientation in the Upper Mantle under the United States from SKS Shear-Wave Splitting Observations, poster at the CTBTO, SnT 2019, Vienna
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Zigone, D., Kolinsky, P., Bokelmann, G., Upper Crustal Structure at the KTB Drilling Site from Ambient Noise Tomography, poster at the CTBTO, SnT 2019, Vienna
- Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., ThunderSeis: Seismic Analysis of Thunder Infrasound, poster at the CTBTO, SnT 2019, Vienna
- Schippkus, S., Bokelmann, G., Properties of the High-Frequency Ambient Seismic Field Recorded on a Large-N (N=10,530) Seismic Deployment in the Vienna Basin, poster at the CTBTO, SnT 2019, Vienna
- Sucic, V., Volaric, I., Bokelmann, G., Le Bras, R., A Novel Approach for Signal Sparse Time-Frequency Representations, poster at the CTBTO, SnT 2019, Vienna
- Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Meurers, B., Benedek, J., Leonhardt, R., Hutchinson, P., Szántó, M., Analysis of Environmental and Loading Effects in Tilt and SG Gravity Observations at Conrad (Austria) and Peters Seismological (Australia) Observatories, Coauthor at 27th IUGG General Assembly, July 8-18, 2019, Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Koppán, A., Benedek, J., Kis, M., Meurers, B., Papp, G., Absolute Calibration of Spring Type Gravity Meters by the Moving Mass Device of the Mátyáshegy Gravity and Geodynamic Observatory, Budapest, Coauthor at 27th IUGG General Assembly, July 8-18, 2019, Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Bokelmann, G., Fuchs, F., Seismologie und Massenbewegungen, Vortrag bei der Österreichischen Geodätischen Kommission 2019
- Pivetta, T., Braitenberg, C., Gabrovsek, F., Meurers, B., Gabriel G., A ground based gravity network for monitoring water mass movements in the Classical Karst region, poster at the EGU 2019
- Sebera, J., Papco, J., Götze, H.-J., Pasteka, R., Zahorec, P., Bielik, M., Ebbing, J., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Bonvalot, S., Seoane, L., Gabriel, G., Skiba, P., Szücs, E., Braitenberg, C., Gosar, A., Hetenyi, G., the AlpArray Gravity Research Group, A first Alps-dedicated gravity data set - introduction and status of the AlpArray gravity field activities, talk at the EGU 2019
- Meurers, B., On the capability of modern high precision gravity time series, talk at the EGU 2019
- Götze, H.-J., Bielik, M., Bott, J., Bonvalot, S., Braitenberg, C., Ebbing, J., Gabriel, G., Gosar, A., Hetenyi, G., Kissling, E., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Novak, P., Papco, J., Pasteka, R., Sebera, J., Szücs, E., Zahorec, P., A new land-based gravity data set for the Alps and adjacent regions - the AAGRG at work, poster at the EGU 2019
- Belinić, T., Kolínský, P. and Stipčevič, J., Shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Dinarides from the inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion, poster at the EGU 2019
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Zigone, D., Kolínský, P., Bokelmann, G., Upper crustal structure at the KTB drilling site from ambient noise tomography, poster at the EGU 2019
- Kolínský., P., Bokelmann, G., and the AlpArray Working Group, Upper mantle imaging with AlpArray surface wave diffraction: The Cameroon Volcanic Line, poster at the EGU 2019
- Plomerova, J., Vecsny, L., Babuska, V., Zlebcikova, H., Hetényi, G., Bianchi, I., the AlpArray Workinggroup, The European/Adriatic lithosphere contact in the Eastern Alps, poster at the EGU 2019
- Bianchi, I., Agostinetti, N.P., Decker, K., Levi, N., Passive seismic investigations of sedimentary infill validated by borehole data and active seismics, poster at the EGU 2019
- Obermann, A., Ruigrok, E., Bianchi, I., Hetenyi, G., Kissling, E., Contraining the Moho depth below Bhutan with global-phase seismic interferometry, poster at the EGU 2019
- Rocamora, M.T.J., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, The Application of Teleseismic P-wave Receiver Functions to the Eastern Alps, poster at the EGU 2019
- Dashti, F., Lucente, F.P., Motaghi, K.S., Govoni, A., Bianchi, I. Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Najafi, M., Anisotropic Velocity Structure beneath northern part of the Zagros suture zone Iran, poster at the EGU 2019
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Flow plane orientation in the upper mantle under the United States from SKS shear-wave splitting observation, poster at the EGU 2019
- Gribovszki, K., Monus, P., Pracser, E., Novak, A., Szalai, S., Kiszely, M., Bokelmann, G., In situ measurements of stalagmites' vibration by using portable digital vibrometer - next step of gaining long-term seismic hazard information from intact vulnerable stalagmites, poster at the EGU 2019
- Schippkus, S., Hausmann, H., Duputel, Z., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, The Alland earthquake series in Eastern Austria: Evidence for oblique basement reactivation, talk at the EGU 2019
- Garden, M., Schippkus, S., Bokelmann, G., Properties of the high-frequency ambient seismic field recorded on a large seismic deployment in the Vienna Basin, poster at the EGU 2019
- Fuchs, F., Schneider, F., Kolinsky, P., Serafin, S., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Complex propagation of explosion-generated infrasound revealed by the large-scale AlpArray seismic network, talk at the EGU 2019
- Bianchi, I., Lucente, F. P., Di Bona, M., Govoni, A., Salimbeni, S., Stipcevic, J., Rocamora, M. T. J., Bokelmann, G., Anisotropy as a tool for inferring deformation in the Earth's upper layers, presentation at the AlpArray Seismic Anisotropy Workshop, Uni Wien, 2019
- Hein, G., Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Automatic Shear-Wave Splitting Analysis with SplitWave, presentation at the AlpArray Seismic Anisotropy Workshop, Uni Wien, 2019
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Mantle flow under the Central Alps: Constraints from non-vertical SKS shear-wave splitting observations, presentation at the AlpArray Seismic Anisotropy Workshop, Uni Wien, 2019
- Löberich, E., Boklemann, G., Flow plane orientation in the upper mantle under the United States from SKS shear-wave splitting observations, presentation at the AlpArray Seismic Anisotropy Workshop, Uni Wien, 2019
- Fuchs, F., Meier, T., Stampa, J., Kolinsky, P., Tesch, M., ORFEUS User Advisory Group (2019), EIDA Data availability, access and quality: From data user and data provider perspective, EPOS Seismology Workshop, Grenoble, France
- Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Gröschl, G., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group (2019), AlpArray 2016 & 2017: Data quality analysis based on surface waves, poster at the EPOS Seismology Workshop, Grenoble, France 2019
- Fuchs, F., Hibert, C., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group (2019), Searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, AK Geomorphology, Kiel, Germany
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Meurers, B., Studying temporal changes in the crust with multidisciplinary data: First look at preliminary results from CONRAD observatory, Austria, poster at the Cargese Summer School on Passive Imaging 2019, Cargese, Corsica, France
- Fuchs, F., Schneider, F., Kolinsky, P., Serafin, S., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Regional infrasound propagation following the Ingolstadt explosion (September 1st, 2018) recorded by the AlpArray seismic network with high (40 km) spatial resolution, poster at the Cargese Summer School on Passive Imaging 2019, Cargese, Corsica, France 2019
2018 - Publications
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Seismic detection of rockslides at regional scale: examples from the Eastern Alps and feasibility of kurtosis-based event location, Earth Surf. Dynam. 6, 955-970, 2018, https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-6-955-2018
- Schneider, F. M., Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Caffagni, E., Dorninger, M., Serafin, S., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 502, 104-114, 2018, doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.08.034
- Gribovszki, K., Esterhazy, S., Bokelmann, G., Numerical Modeling of Stalagmite Vibrations, Pure Appl. Geophysic., 175 (12) 2018, 4501-4514, doi 10.1007/s00024-018-1952-4
- Braitenberg, C., Rossi, G., Bogusz, J., Crescentini, L, Crossley, D., Gross, R., Heki, K., Hinderer, J., Jahr, T., Meurers, B., Schuh, H., Geodynamics and Earth Tides Observations from Global to Micro Scale: Introduction, Pure and Applied Geophysics, may 2018, volume 175, ussue 5, pp 1595-1597
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Ambient-noise tomography of the wider Vienna Basin region, Geophysical Journal International, ggy259, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggy259
- Hetényi, G., Plomerová, J., Bianchi, I., Kampfová Exnerová, H., Bokelmann, G., Handy, M. R., Babuska, V., AlpArray-EASI Working Group, From mountain summits to roots: Crustal structure of the Eastern Alps and Bohemian Massif along longitude 13.3°E, Tectonophysics, Juli 2018 doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.001
- Papp, G., Benedek, J., Varga, P., Kis, M., Koppan, A., Meurers, B., Leonhardt, R., Baracza, M.K., 2017: Feasibility study applied to mapping tidal effects in the Pannonian Basin - An effort to check location dependencies at mGal level, Geodesy and Geodynamics (2018) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2017.10.003
- Braitenberg, C., Rossi, G., Bogusz, J., Crescentini, L., Crossley, D., Gross, R.S., Heki, K., Hinderer, J., Jahr, T., Meurers, B., Schuh., H., 2018: Editorial note for the Geodesy and Geodynamics journal special issue, Geodesy and Geodynamics (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2018.03.001
- Hetényi, G., Molinari, I., Clinton, J., Bokelmann, G., Bondár, I., Crawford, W. C., Dessa, J.-X., Doubre, C., Friederich, F., Fuchs, F., Giardini, D., Gráczer, Z., Handy, M. R., Herak, M., Jia, Y., Kissling, E., Kopp, H., Korn, M., Margheriti, L., Meier, T., Mucciarelli, M., Paul, A., Pesaresi, D., Piromallo, C., Plenefisch, T., Plomerová, J., Ritter, J., Rümpker, G., Šipka, V., Spallarossa, D., Thomas, C., Tilmann. F., Wassermann, J., Weber, M., Wéber, Z., Wesztergom, V., Živčić, M., AlpArray Seismic Network Team, AlpArray OBS Cruise Crew, AlpArray Working Group, The AlpArray Seismic Network: A Large‑Scale European Experiment to Image the Alpine Orogen, in Surveys in Geophysics, Springer 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-018-9472-4
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Equidistant Spectral Lines in Train Vibrations, Seismological Research Letters, 2018, 89, 56-66, doi 10.1785/0220170092
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Imaging the Variscan suture at the KTB deep drilling site, Germany, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 213, 3, 1 June 2018, Pages 2138–2146, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggy098
- Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., Fuchs, F., Aftershocks And Seismic Efficiency For The Cooper Basin (Australia) Geothermal Stimulation, Seventh EAGE Workshop on Passive Seismic 2018, Krakaow, Poland
- Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., 2018, Enhancement of seismic monitoring in hydrocarbon reservoirs, CSEG Recorder, p. 26-30
- Szalai, S., Kovács, A-, Kuslits, L., Facskó, G., Gribovszki, K., Kalmár, J., Szarka, L., Characterisation of Fractures and Fracture Zones in a Carbonate Aquifer Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Pricking Probe Methodes, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 6 (4) Paper: 82918 , 21 p. (2018) ISSN Online: 2327-4344
2018 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Meurers, B., Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Benedek, J., Leonhardt, R. Tides and other signals in continuous gravity observations in the Superconducting Gravimeter of the Conrad Observatory (Austria) Workshop on Karst Hydrogeology and Geodesy, 16th – 17th November 2018, Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, University of Trieste, Italy
- Bianchi, I., Eastern Alpine Seismic Investigation (EASI): aims, deployment and results, talk at the PANGEO Vienna 2018
- Gribovszki K., Kovács, K., Esterhazy, S., Mónus, P., Kiszely, M., Bokelmann, G., Progress in investigation of vulnerable stalagmites' vibration, numerical and analogue modeling, talk at the PANGEO Vienna 2018
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., New 3D shear velocity model of the wider Vienna Basin region from ambient noise tomography, talk at the PANGEO Vienna 2018
- Qorbani, E., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., 3-D shear velocity model of the Eastern and Southern Alps from ambient noise tomography, talk at the PANGEO Vienna 2018
- Fuchs, F., Hibert, C., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Searching fore- and afterslides fo gravitational mass movements, talk at the PANGEO Vienna 2018
- Schneider, F. M., Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Caffagni, E., Serafin, S., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, talk at the PANGEO Vienna 2018
- Bianchi, I., Obermann, A., Ruigrok, E., Application of global-phase seismic interferometry to EASI, poster at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, A new 3D shear velocity model of the wider Vienna Basin region from ambient noise tomography, talk at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Schippkus, S., Hausmann, H., Duputel, Z., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, The Alland earthquake series: Location, source mechanism and implications for the regional stress regime, poster at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Schneider, F. M., Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Caffagni, E., Serafin, S., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, talk at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Caffagni, E., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Induced seismicity in the Cooper Basin(Australia): aftershocks seismic efficiency and fluid diffusion, poster at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Hibert, C., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, talk at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Kolínský, P., Gröschl, G., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Mapping the diffraction patterns of surface waves by AlpArray, talk at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Czirok, L., Bozsó, I., Gribovszki, K., Seismo-tectonic information system for the analysis of tectonic and geomorphological variations in the se-carpathians, poster at the 36th General Assembly ESC Malta 2018
- Meurers, B., 10 years SG gravity time series at Conrad Observatory (Austria), 1st workshop on the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS) 18-20 june 2018, Potsdam
- Meurers, B., Can we reliably detect SG scale factor changes far below the one per mill accuracy level?, 1st workshop on the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS) 18-20 june 2018, Potsdam
- Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Meurers, B., Benedek, J., Leonhardt R., Comparison of Tilt and SG-Gravity Residuals at Conrad Observatory (Austria), 1st workshop on the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS) 18-20 june 2018, Potsdam
- Kis, M., Koppan, A., Papp, G., Benedek, J., Baracza, K., Szabados, L., Csontos, A., Meurers, B., Absolute calibration of relative gravity meters in tidal range, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Meurers, B., Ullrich, C., Leonhardt, R., AG/SG gravity monitoring at Conrad Observatory (Austria), poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Papp, G., Ruotsalainen, H., Benedek, J., Meurers, B., Leonhardt, R., Comparison of Tilt and SG-Gravity Residuals at Conrad Observatory (Austria), poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Hibert, C., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Caffagni, E., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Fluid-injection induced seismicity in the Cooper Basin (Australia): spatial, temporal, and energy characteristics, talk at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Kolinsky, P., Gröschl, G., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Phase velocities and azimuthal deviations of teleseismic surface waves across AlpArray, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Kolinsky, P., Gröschl, G., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Global upper mantle heterogeneities observed by AlpArray, talk at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, A new 3D shear velocity model of the wider Vienna Basin region from ambient noise tomography, talk at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Bianchi, I., Piana Agostinetti, N., Levi, N., Plomerová, J., Hetényi, G., AlpArray-EAI Working Group, Modeling low S-wave velocitz in sedimentary basins through adaptive sampling of the parameter space, an application to receiver function inversion, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Plomerova, J., Vecsey, L., Babuska, V., Munzarova, H., Hetenyi, G., Bianchi, I., AlpArray-EASI working group, Deep Lithosphere structure across the East-Alpine root towards the Bohemian Massif, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Qorbani, E., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray-EASI Working Group, Crustal anisotropy and deformation in the Eastern and Southern Alps, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Qorbani, E., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray-EASI Working group, 3-D shear velocity model of the Eastern and Southern Alps from ambient noise tomography, talk at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Löberich, E., Qorbani, E., Bokelman, G., The influence of near-vertical SK(K)S ray path incidence on the backazimuthal variation of shear-wave splitting parameters: A case study in the Pacific Northwest, talk at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Modeling and observations for Resonance Seismometry, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Schneider, F., Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Caffagni, E., Dorninger, M., Serafin, S., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, talk at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Gyori, E., Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Modeling depth-dependent attenuation using real in-situ velocity data, improvements of former stalagmite study for determining critical horizontal ground acceleration, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Lazar, L., Kiszely, M., Földvary, L., Gribovszki, K., HGR.01: Geographic Information System of the Moonquakes, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Gröschl, G., Kolinsky, P., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray 2016 & 2017: Data quality analysis as part of surface wave investigation, poster at the EGU Vienna 2018
- Esterhazy, S., Schneider, F., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Conclusions from a numerical survey on the seismic wave propagation inside and around an underground cavity, poster at the EGU 2018
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Hibert, C., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Seismic records for searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, talk at the DGG Leoben 2018
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Seismic signals from trains: equidistant spectral lines, talk at the DGG Leoben 2018
- Schneider, F., Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Caffagni, E., Dorninger, M., Serafin, S., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, talk at the DGG Leoben 2018
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismic wave interaction with underground cavities, talk at the DGG Leoben 2018
- Löberich, E., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., The influence of near-vertical SK(K)S ray path incidence on the backazimuthal variation of shear-wave splitting parameters: A case study in the Pacific Northwest, poster at the DGG Leoben 2018
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, A new 3D shear velocity model of the wider Vienna Basin region from ambient noise tomography, talk at the DGG Leoben 2018
- Bokelmann, G., Meurers, Br., Moczo, P., Ondraskova, A., The International Joint Master "Physics of the Earth" at the University of Vienna (Austria) and Comenius University Bratislava (Slovakia), poster at the DGG Leoben 2018
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Bokelmann G., Konecny, P., Lednická, M. Moseley, G., Spötl, C., Edwars, R.L., Bednárik, M., Brimich, L., Tóth, L., Estimating the upper limit of prehistoric peak ground acceleration using an in-situ, intact and vulnerable stalagmite Plavecká priepast cave, Little Carpathians, invited talk at the Slovakia Workshop on Evaluation of PSHA on the Basis of Observations, 2018. december 3-5., Paris Saclay, France
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Esterhazy, S., Mónus, P., Kiszely, M., Bokelmann, G., Újabb eredmények a sértetlen állócseppkövek vizsgálatával végzett földrengés-veszélyeztetettségi kutatásokban - numerikus es analóg modellezés (in Hungarian) XI. Geomatika Szeminárium, 2018. November 8-9., Sopron, Hungary
- Gribovszki, K., Mónus, P., Bokelmann, G., Lednická, M., Moseley, G. Estimating the upper limit of prehistoric peak ground acceleration using an in-situ, intact and vulnerable stalagmite from Plavecká priepast cave (Detrekői-zsomboly), Little Carpathians, Slovakia - first results ABSTRACT BOOK of the Sixth International Colloquium on Historical earthquakes and paleoseismology studies their contribution to the knowledge of the long-term seismic activity and to seismic hazard assessment Place: Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, 24-25 October 2018, invited talk, organized by the Royal Observatory of Belgium Contribution ID: 25, Page 35-36
- Czirok, L., Bozsó, I., Gribovszki, K., Analysis of tectonic and geomorphological variations using GIS, page: 100-102, Book of Abstract of the VII International Conference of Young Scientists & Students on Information Technologies in Solving Modern Problems of Geology and Geophysics Place: Baku, Azerbaijan, 15-18 October, 2018 Organized by Institute Geology and Geophysics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Mónus, P., Kovács, K., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Bednárik, M., Brimich, L., Constraints on Long-Term Seismic Hazard from Vulnerable Stalagmites Fourth TIDES Training School, ECOST-MEETING-ES1401-020718-099181-MRQ-807744 Organised by: COST Action TIDES Place: Hotel Globus, Prague, Czech Republic, 02-06 July 2018
- Schneider, F., Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Caffagni, E., Serafin, S., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, talk at the CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop 2018, Vienna
- Fuchs, F., Schneider, F., Kolinsky, P., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Regional infrasound propagation following the Ingolstadt explosion (September 1, 2018) recorded by the AlpArray seismic network with high (40km) spatial resolution, poster at the CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop 2018, Vienna
2017 - Publications
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Equidistant Spectral Lines in Train Vibrations, Seismological Research Letters, 2017, 89, 56-66, doi 10.1785/0220170092
- Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Watlet, A., Meurers, B., Francis, O. & Caudron, C., 2017
- Geophysics from terrestrial time-variable gravity measurements, Reviews of Geophysics, 55, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017RG000566.
- Rosa, João W.C., Rosa, José W.C., Bokelmann, G., 2017, Lateral variation of crustal properties from aerogeophysical data in northern Brazil, Geophysics, 82(5), J39-J60
- Kiszely, M., Monus, P., Gribovszki, K., A "Szeismológia az iskolában" program elidítása Magyarországon (the "Seismology in school" project starts in Hungary) in Hungarian. Magyar Geofizika (Hungarian Geophysics) 58 évf., 3. szám, 191-196
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Bokelmann, G., Konecny, P., Lednická, M., Moseley, G., Edwards, R. L., Spötl, C., Bednárik, M., Brimich, L., Hegymegi, E., Tóth, L., Kegyes-Brassai, Cs., Szeidovitz, G., Contraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmite in Plavecká priepast cave, Slovakia, (Hosszú távú földrengés-veszélyeztetettség becslése a Detrekoi-zsombloy (Kis-Kárpátok, Szlovákia) sértetlen állócseppkövének vizsgálatával), Magyar Geofizika, 58. évf. /2017) 1. szám, 1-16
- Lupi, M., Fuchs, F., Saenger, E. H., Numerical simulations of passing seismic waves at the Larderello-Travale and Geothermal field, Italy, Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, 44, 5418-5426, doi 10.1002/2016GL072417
- Esterhazy, S., Schneider, F., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Application of high-order FEM to the P-wave propagation around and inside an underground cavity, Geophysics (2017), doi.org/10.1190/geo2016-0447.1
- Meurers, B., Scintrex CG5 used for superconducting gravimeter calibration, Geodesy and Geodynamics (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2017.02.009
- Schneider, F. M., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismic resonances of spherical acoustic cavities, Geophysical Prospecting, 2017, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12523
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Bokelmann, G., Konecny, P., Lednická, M., Moseley, G., Spötl, C., Edwards, R.L., Bednárik, M., Brimich, L., Tóth, L., Estimating the upper limit of prehistoric peak ground acceleration using an in-situ, intact and vulnerable stalagmite from Plavecká priepast cave (Detrekői-zsomboly), Little Carpathians, Slovakia - first results, Journal of Seismology, 21(5), 1111-1130, DOI 10.1007/s10950-017-9655-3
- Meurers, B., 2017: The Physical Meaning of Bouguer Anomalies—General Aspects Revisited. in: Pašteka, R., Meurers, B., Mikuška, J. (eds): Understanding the Bouguer Anomaly - A Gravimetry Puzzle, Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN: 978-0-12-812913-5, (132p.), 13-30.
2017 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Esterhazy, S, Schneider, F. M., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., 2017, Exciting Cavities: Understanding the Seismic Wave Propagation Inside and Around an Underground Cavity, CTBTO Sciences & Technology Conference, Hofburg, Vienna 2017
- Qorbani, E., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray-EASI working group, 2017, 3D Shear Velocity Model of the Eastern and Southern Alps from Ambient Noise Tomography, CTBTO Sciences & Technology Conference, Hofburg, Vienna 2017
- Schneider, F. M, Esterhazy. S., Qorbani. E., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., 2017, Resonance Seismometry: A Toolbox for OS, CTBTO Sciences & Technology Conference, Hofburg, Vienna 2017
- Sucic, V., Volaric, I., Bokelmann, G., Le Bras, R., 2017, Compressive Sensing and Sparsity Based Method for Time-Frequency Distribution Optimization, CTBTO Sciences & Technology Conference, Hofburg, Vienna 2017
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., and the AlpArray Working Group, Equidistant spectral lines in train vibrations, talk at AG Seismologie, Bad Breisig, Germany, 2017
- Löberich, E., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., The influence of near-vertical SK(K)S ray path incidence on the backazimuthal variation of shear-wave splitting parameters: A case study of the Central Alps, poster at the DMG-Short Cours Bayreuth 2017
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Broadband seismic effects from train vibrations, poster at EGU Galileo Conference on Environmental Seismology, Ohlstadt, Germany, 2017
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., Seismic detection and characterization of rockfalls in Austria, poster at EGU Galileo Conference on Environmental Seismology, Ohlstadt, Germany, 2017
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Monus, P., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Spötl, C., Moseley, G., Bednarik, M., Brimich, L., Kiszely, M., Toth, L., Gyori, E., Kalmar, J., Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, invited talk at Russian Cultural Center, Titel of the conference: Potential earthquake sources and seismic hazard assessmen, Budapest, Sept. 2017
- Toth, L., Gyori, E., Monus, P., Trosits, D., Gribovszki, K., Katona, T.J., Current Hungarian practice of seismic hazard assessment: methodology and examples invited talk at Russian Cultural Center, Titel of the conference: Potential earthquake sources and seismic hazard assessmen, Budapest, Sept. 2017
- Gyori, E., Graczer, Z., Gribovszki, K., Kiszely, M., Monus, P., Szanyi, GY., Tildy, P., Timko, M., Timpfel, G., Toth, L., Varga, P., Earthquake hazard and microzonation of Budapest, invited talk at Russian Cultural Center, Titel of the conference: Potential earthquake sources and seismic hazard assessmen, Budapest, Sept. 2017
- Voigt, Ch., Förste, Ch., Wziontek, H., Crossley, D., Meurers, B., Pálinkáš, V., Hinderer, J., Boy, J.P., Barriot, J.P., Sun, H., The Data Base of the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS), EGU2017-4947, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Koppán, A., Kis, M., Merényi, L., Papp, G., Benedek, J., Meurers, B., Determination of beam-position dependent transfer functions of LCR-G gravimeters by means of moving mass calibration device in the Mátyáshegy Gravity and Geodynamical Observatory, Budapest, EGU2017-17225, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., On the exploitation of seismic resonances for cavity detection, talk at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Esterhazy, S., Schneider, F., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Understanding the seismic wave propagation inside and around an underground cavity from a 3D numerical survey, talk at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Kovács, I., Horváth, F., Falus, G., Deformation in the asthenospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian Region, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Qorbani, E., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray-EASI working group, 3D shear velocity model of the Eastern and Southern Alps from Ambient noise tomography, talk at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Qorbani, E., Kurz, W., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Correlated crustal and mantle deformation in the Tauern Window, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Broadband seismic effects from train vibrations, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., Seismic detection and characteriziation of rockfalls in Austria, talk at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Fuchs, F., Lupi, M., Saenger, E., Remote triggering and numerical simulations of passing seismic waves at the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field, Italy, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Löberich, E., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., The influence of near-vertical SK(K)S ray path incidence on the backazimuthal variation of shear-wave splitting parameters: A case study of the Central Alps, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., Enhancement of seismic monitoring in hydrocarbon reservoirs, talk at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Ambient noise techniques for better understanding of seismic hazard in the wider Vienna Basin region, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Kolínský, P., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., the AlpArray Working Group, Off great-circle propagation of teleseismic surface waves across AlpArray, talk at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Kovács, K., Hegymegi, E., Esterhazy, S., Mónus, P., Analogue modelling of the rupture process of vulnerable stalagmites in an earthquake simulator, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Novák, A., Constraints on Long-Term Seismic Hazard From Vulnerable Stalagmites from Vacska cave, Pilis Mountains of Hungary, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Kis, M., Koppán, A., Kiszely, M., Gribovszki, K., Mentes, G., Bán, D., Analysis of earthquake signals appearing in rock deformation, gravimeter and seismological recordings, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Hetényi, G., Bianchi, I., Plomerová, J., Kampfová Exnerová, H., the AlpArray-EASI Working Group Team, The interaction between the Adria and Europe plates at their boundary in the Eastern Alps (project EASI), poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Imaging the Variscan suture and deformation at the KTB deep drilling site, Germany, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Bianchi, I., Miller, M., Piana Agostinetti, N., O'Driscoll, L., The lithosphere structure beneath the central Mediterranean from S receiver functions, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Chiarabba, C., Piana Agostinetti, N., Bianchi, I., Lithospheric structure and kinematic decoupling across the Pollino range, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
- Anselmi, M., Bianchi, I., Chiarabba, C., Lithospheric structures of the Southeastern Sardian block inferred by RF analysis, poster at the EGU Vienna 2017
2016 - Publications
- Bianchi, I., Lucente, F. P., Di Bona, M., Govoni, A., Piana Agostinetti, N., Crustal structure and deformation across a mature slab tear zone: the case of southern Tyrrhenian Subduction (Italy), Geophys. Res. Lett; doi: 101002/2016GL070978
- Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., 2016, Geophysical monitoring of an hydrocarbon reservoir, Energy Procedia, 97, 294-301, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2016.10.003
- Mikolaj, M., Meurers, B., Güntner, A., 2016: Modelling of global mass effects in hydrology, atmosphere and oceans on surface gravity. Computers & Geosciences, 93, 12—20, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2016.04.014.
- Meurers, B., Ruess, D., Ullrich, Ch., Nießner, A., 2016: Gravity Monitoring at the Conrad Observatory (CO). Symposium proceedings of the 4th IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements, 12-15 April 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 149-153
- Fuchs, F., Kolínský, P., Gröschl, G., Bokelmann, G., and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray in Austria and Slovakia: technical realization, site description and noise characterization, Advances in Geosciences, 43, 1-13, 2016, doi:10.5194/adgeo-43-1-2016
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Kovács, I., Horváth, F., Falus, G., Deformation in the asthenospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian region, 2016, Journal of Geophysical Research (JRG), doi: 10.1002/2015jb012604
- Chiarabba, C., Piana Agostinetti, N., Bianchi, I., Lithospheric fault and kinematic decoupling of the Apennines system across the Pollino range, Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, doi 10.1002/2015GL067610
- Behm, M., Nakata, N., Bokelmann, G., Regional ambient noise tomography in the Eastern Alps of Europe, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2016 1-28, doi 10.1007/s0024-016-1314-z
- Caffagni, E., Eaton, D.W., Jones, J.P., van der Baan, M., Detection and analysis of microseismic evnts using a Matched Filtering Algorithm (MFA), Geophysical Journal International 2016, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw168
- Le Bras, R., Kuzma, H., Sucic, V., Bokelmann, G., Observations and Bayesian location methodology of transient acoustic signals (likely blue whales) in the Indian Ocean, using a hydrophone triplet, Acoustical Society of America, 139 (5), May 2016
- Behm, M., Nakata, N., Bokelmann, G., 2016, Regional ambient noise tomography in the Eastern Alps of Europe, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2016, doi 10.1007/s00024-016-1314-z
- Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Francis, O., Pálinkás, V., Temporal variation of tidal parameters in superconducting gravimeter time-series, Geophysical Journal International, April 2016, vol. 205, p. 284-300, doi 10.1093/gji/ggw017
- Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., McDermott, C.I., Eaton, D.W., Van der Baan, M., 2016. Beyond microseismicity: an overview of geophysical monitoring in hydrocarbon reservoirs, Microseismic Industry Consortium, Annual Research Report, Volume 6
- Jones, J.P., Eaton, D., Caffagni, E., Quantifying the similarity of seismic polarizations, Geophysical Journal International, 204, 968-984, 2016
- Lupi, M., Ricci, B. S., Kenkel., J., Ricci, T., Fuchs, F., Miller, S. A., Kemna, A., Subsurface fluid distribution and possible seismic precursory signal at the Salse di Nirano mud volcanic field, Italy, Geophysical Journal International, 204, 907-917, 2016, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggv454
- Voigt, C., Förste, C., Wziontek, H., Crossley, D., Meurers, B., Pálinkáš, V., Hinderer, J., Boy, J.-P., Barriot, J.-P., Sun, H. (2016): Report on the Data Base of the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS), (Scientific Technical Report STR – Data; 16/08), Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. DOI: doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.b103-16087
2016 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Schneider, F. M., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismic resonances of acoustic cavities, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/173240, AGU fall meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Esterhazy, S., Schneider, F. M., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., A 3D Numerical Survey of Seismic Waves Inside and Around an Underground Cavity, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/173185, AGU fall meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Kufner, S.-K., Schurr, B., Sippl, C., Yuan, X., Ratschbacher, L., Akbar, A. M., Ischuk, A., Murodkulov, S., Schneider, F. M., Mechie, J., Tilmann, F. J., The Terminal Stage of Subduction: the Hindu Kush Slab Break-off, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/meetingapp.cgi/Person/498832 AGU Fall-Meeting, San Francisco, December 2016
- Schneider, F. M., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismisch angeregte Resonanzen bei Kernwaffentest-induzierten Hohlräumen, Beitrag zum Nationales CTBT-Treffen, Berlin, November 2016
- Qorbani, E., Loeberich, E., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., Contribution of University of Vienna to the AlpArray surface-wave working group; Noise-based tomography and anisotopy, AlpArray surface-wave group workshop, 17-18. Nov. 2016, Bologna, Italy
- Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Schippkus, S. and Bokelmann, G., Contributions of University of Vienna to the AlpArray surface waves working group: Surface wave array analysis and ambient noise based seismic hazard, AlpArray suface wave group workshop, 17.-18. Nov. 2016, Bologna, Italy
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Deformation in the asthenospheric mantle beneath the Eastern Alps and Carpathian-Pannonian Region, 3rd MedMeet Geodynamics of the Alpine-Mediterranean Area, 10-12 Nov, 2016 Budapest, Hungary
- Fuchs, F., AlpArray and EIDA from data supplier and data user perspective, talk at ORFEUS Annual Observatory Coordination Meeting 2016, Dubrovnik, Kroatien, 27.10.2016
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., Seismic detection and characterization of gravitional mass movements, Poster at AG Seismologie Meeting 2016, Bad Salzschlirf, Germany
- Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Groeschl, G., Bokelmann, G., and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray Austria & Slovakia: Site description and noise characterization, Poster at AG Seismologie Meeting 2016, Bad Salzschlirf, Germany
- Schneider, F. M., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismische Resonanzen eines sphaerischen Hohlraums, Talk at AG Seismologie Meeting 2016, Bad Salzschlirf, Germany
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, On the applicability of the Virtual Earthquake Approach (VEA) to predict ground motion using the ambient seismic field in the Vienna Basin area, presentation at the TIDES workshop, September 2016, Sesimbra, Portugal
- Gribovszki, K., Szeidovitz, G., Bokelmann, G., Mónus, P., Kovács, K., Kalmár, J., Studying the Geophysical and Geological Environment of Earthquakes Using Geographic Information System Tools, presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Hegymegi, E., Miklós, G., Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Hegymegi, C., Non-destructive speleothem investigation for paleoearthquake records, presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Gribovszki, K., Esterhazy, S., Bokelmann, G., Mónus, P., Tóth, L., Kovács, K., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Spötl, C., Bednárik, M., Brimich, L., Hegymegi, E., Constraints on Long-Term Seismic Hazard From Vulnerable Stalagmites, presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Hetényi, G., Plomerová, J., Bianchi, I., Kampfová Exnerová, H., Adria-Europe crustal structure relationship and the Moho gap in the Eastern Alps (project EASI), presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Caffagni, E., Eaton, D., Jones, J., van der Baan, M., The Matched Filtering Algorithm (MFA): Extending the potential for detection and location of microseismic events. Hints for induces seismicity hazard?, presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., Lenhardt, W., Joswig, M., Sauter, M., Induced Seismicity connections: from Hydraulic fracturing to knowledge gaps, regulations and mitigation strategy, presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Kolinský, P., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, True backazimuths of surface waves from teleseismic earthquakes across AlpArray Austria measured two independent methods, presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, On the applicability of the Virtual Earthquake Approach (VEA) to predict ground motion using the ambient seismic field in the Vienna Basin area, presentation at the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Triest
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Analytical study of body waves in orthorhombic media and comparison with SKS-phase observations, ADLAS workshop, Prague 2016
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Chiarabba, C., Piana Agostinetti, N., Miller, N., O'Driscoll, L., Structure of the upper mantle beneath the Alps and Apennines as seen by Receiver Functions, ADLAS workshop, Prague 2016
- Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Francis, O., Palinkas, V., M2 tidal parameter modulation revealed by superconducting gravimeter, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Ressl, J., Dorninger, M., Meurers, B., Gravity Variations Induced by Changing Snowpack Observed at Conrad Observatory (Austria), presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Baron, I., Koktavy, P., Stemberk, J., Macku, R., Trcka, T., Skarvada, P., Lenhardt, W., Meurers, B., Rowberry, M., Marty, X., Plan, L., Grasemann, B., Mitrovic, I., Underground electromagnetic activity in two regions with contrasting seismicity: a case study from the Eastern Alps and Bohemian Massif, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Esterhazy, S., Schneider, F. M., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Numerical survey of pressure wave propagation around and inside an underground cavity with high order FEM, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seisic wave interactions with underground cavities, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Schurr, B., Kufner, S., Sippl, C., Schneider, F. M., Yuan, X., Ratschbacher, L., Mechie, J., Deep India meets deep Asia: a seismological view of lithospheric slab interactions under Hindu Kush and Pamir, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Zigone, D., Kolinsky, P., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., EASI Working Group, Seismic tomography and azimuthal anisotropy for the Southern and Eastern Alps from ambient noise cross-correlations, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Long-lived large-scale deformation under Central and Western Europe, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., and the AlpArray Working Group, Ground motion prediction for the vienna Basin area using the ambient seismic field, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Monus, P., Toth, L., Kovacs, K., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Spötl, C., Bednarik, M., Brimich, L., Hegymegi, E., Novak, A., Constraints on Long-Term Seismic Hazard from Vulnerable Stalagmites, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Monus, P., Kovacs, K., Kalmar, J., Constraints on Long-Term Seismic Hazard from Vulnerable Stalagmites for the surroundings of Katerloch cave, Austria, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Hegymegi, E., Gyöngy, M., Bodolai, T., Divos, F., Barta, E., Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann G., Hegymegi, C., Lednicka, M., Kovacs, K., Non-destructive in situ mapping of macroholes, cracks and inhomogeneities of stalagmites in cave environments, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Löberich, E., Alexandrakis, C., Calo, M., Vavrycuk, V., Buske, S., Double-Difference Tomography in the West Bohemia Seismic Zone: A Study of the 2011 Earthquake Swarm, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Löberich, E., Bokelmann, G., Analytical study of body waves in orthorhombic media and comparison with SKS-phase observations from selected stations, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Apoloner, M.T., Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., Improved Detection of Local Earthquakes in the vienna Basin (Austria), using Subspace Detectors, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Hetenyi, G., Plomerova, J., Bianchi, I., Kampfova Exnerova, H., Adria-Europe crustal structure relationship in the Eastern Alps (project EASI), presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Contraining Crustal Anisotropy by Receiver Functions at the Deep Continental Drilling Site KTB in Southern Germany, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Caffagni, E., Cattaneo, M., Bordoni, P., Empirical evidence of Rayleigh waves in Norcia (central Italy) and their quantitative contribution to ground motion, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., Geophysical monitoring in a hydrocarbon reservoir, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Kolinsky, P., Fuchs, F., Gröschl, G., Bokelmann, G., and AlpArray Working Group, True propagation paths of surface waves from regional and teleseismic earthquakes across AlpArrayAustria, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Kolinsky, P., Zigone, D., Fuchs, F., Bianchi, I., Qorbani, E., Apoloner, M. T., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray-EASI Working Group, Group and phase velocities from deterministic and ambient sources measured during the AlpArray-EASI experiment, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs, F., Kolinsky, P., Gröschl, G., Bokelmann, G., AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray Austria & Slovakia: Site description and noise characterization, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., Seismic detection and characterization of gravitational mass movements, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Lupi, M., Saenger, E. H., Fuchs, F., Miller, St. A., Dynamic triggering of Lusi, East Java Basin, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Lupi, M., Suski Ricci, B., Kenkel, J., Ricci, T., Fuchs, F., Miller, St. A., Kemna, A., Conventi, M., Possible earthquake procursor and drumbeat signal detected at the Nirano Mud Volcanic Field, Italy, presentation at the EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs, F., Lenhardt, W., Bokelmann, G., Seismic detection and characterization of gravitational mass movements, Jahrestagung der DGG und AEF 2016, Münster, Deutschland
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, Seismic wave interaction with underground cavities, Jahrestagung der DGG und AEF 2016, Münster, Deutschland
- Caffagni, E., Eaton, D.W, Enhanced Detection and Location of Microseismic Events Using a Novel Matched Filtering Method, 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibitions 2016, Vienna, Austria
- McDermott S. F., Bokelmann, G., Caffagni, E., FracRisk - Understanding, Preventing and Mitigationg the Potential Environmental Impact and Risk of Shale Gas Exploration, 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibitions 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Resonant Seismic Wave Interaction with Acoustic Cavities, 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibitions 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Kis, M., Koppán, G., Bán, D., Kiszely, M., Gribovszki, K, Merényi, L., Analysis of effects related to earthquakes and seismic oscillations appearing in rock deformation and gravimeter recordings, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2016, Trieste, Italy
- Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Francis, O., Palinkas, V., M2 tidal parameter modulation revealed by superconducting gravimeter, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2016, Trieste, Italy
- Meurers, B., Ruess, D., Ullrich, C., Nießner, A., Gravity Monitoring at the Conrad Observatory, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2016, Trieste, Italy
- Meurers, B., The Scintrex CG5 used for superconducting gravimeter (SG) calibration, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2016, Trieste, Italy
- Papp, G., Benedek, J., Meurers, B., Kis, M., Koppan, A., Leonhardt, R., Mapping of tidal effects in the Pannonian basin - an effort to check location dependencies at microGal level, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2016, Trieste, Italy
- Boy, J.-P., Barriot, J.-P., Crossley, ., Foerste, C., Hinderer, J., Meurers, B., Palinkas, V., Pagiatakis, S., Sun, H.P., Wziontek, H., Reports of the first year of the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS), 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2016, Trieste, Italy
- Kis, M., Koppan, A., Merenyi, L., Rapp, G., Benedek, J., Szücs, E., Meurers, B., Moving-mass calibration of LCR-G gravimeters-Determination of beam-position dependent transfer functions in the Mátyáshegy Gravity and Geodynamical Oberservatory, Budapest, 18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2016, Trieste, Italy
2015 - Publications
- Bianchi, I., Behm, M., Rumpfhuber, E.M., Bokelmann, A New Seismic Data Set on the Depth of the Moho in the Alps, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172 (2015), 295-308, doi 10.1007/s00024-014-0953-1
- Apoloner, M.-T., Tary, J.-B., Bokelmann, G., Ebreichsdorf 2013 earthquake series: Relative location, Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vienna, 2015, volume 108/2, DOI: 10.17738/ajes.2015.0021
- Tary, J.B., Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Earthquake interactions during the 2013 Ebreichsdorf aftershock sequence, Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vienna, 2015, volume 108/2, doi: 10.17738/ajes.2015.0022
- Radi, Z.,Yelles-Chaouche, A., Bokelmann, G., Seismic anisotropy of northeastern Algeria from shear-wave splitting analysis, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 248 (2015), p. 73-82, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2015.08.002
- Caffagni, E., 2015, Feasibility in Setting up a Rayleigh Wave Explorer in Matlab, CSEG Recorder, November 2015 issue, pp.26-29
- Konecny, P., Lednická, M., Soucek,K., Stas, L., Kubina, L., Gribovszki, K., Determination of dynamic Young's modulus of vulnerable speleothems. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, ISSN 1335-1788, 20 (2), 156-163
- Fuchs, F., Kolínský, P., Gröschl, G., Apoloner, M.-T., Qorbani, E., Schneider, F., Bokelmann, G., Site selection for a countrywide temporary network in Austria: noise analysis and preliminary performance, Advances in Geosciences, 41, 25-33, 2015, doi: 10.5194/adgeo-41-25-2015
- Van Camp, M., Meurers, b., Viron de, Ol, Forbriger, T., Optimized strategy for the calibration of superconducting gravimeters at the one per mille level, Journal of Geodesy, Springer-Verlag, DOI 10.1007/s00190-015-0856-7
- Kind, R., Eken, T., Tilman, F., Sodoudi, F., Taymaz, T., Bulut, F., Yuan, X., Can, B., Schneider, F., Thickness of the lithosphere beneath Turkey and surroundings from S-receiver functions, Solid Earth, vol. 6, p. 971-984, 2015, doi:10.5194/se-6-971-2015
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Shiomi, K., Crustal anisotropy across northern Japan from receiver functions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, volume 120, pages 4998-5012, doi10.1002/2014JB011681, 2015
- Bianchi, I., Anselmi, M, Apoloner, M.-T., Qorbani, E., Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., The installation campaign of 9 seismic stations around the KTB site to test anisotropy detection by the Receiver Function Technique, Adv. Geosci, 41, 11-23, 2015, doi: 10.5194/adgeo-41-11-2015
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling and detection of regional depth phases at the GERES array, Adv. Geosci, 42, 5-10, 2015, doi: 10.5194/adgeo-41-5-2015
- Liu, X., Ben-Zion, Y., Zigone, D., Extracting seismic attenuation coefficients from cross-corelations of ambient noise at linear triplets of stations, Geophysical Journal International (2015), 203, 1149-1163, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv357
- Hillers, G., Ben-Zion, Y., Campillo, M., Zigone, D., Seasonal variations of seismic velocities in the San Jacinto fault area observed with ambient seismic noise, Geophysical Journal International 2015, 202 (2), 920-932
- Mentes, G., Eperné Pápai, I., Gribovszki, K., Kis, M., Koppán, A., Hungarian contribution to the research on earth tides and tectonic movements observed by extensometers - IAG Commission 3, Geomatikai Közlemenyek 18:(1), p. 33, (2015)
- Mentes, G., Bán, D., Bányai, L., Bódis, V.B., Eperné Pápai, I., Kalmár, J., Gribovszki, K., Újvári, G., Szucs, E., Papp, G., Hungarian contribution to the research on positioning and applications - IAG Commission 4, Geomatikai Közlemények 18:(1), p. 37, (2015)
- Harangi, S., Novák, A., Kiss, B., Seghedi, I., Lukács, R., Szarka, L., Wesztergom, V., Metwaly, M., Gribovszki, K., Combined magnetotelluric and petrologic contrains for the nature of the magma storage system beneath the late pleistocene ciomadul volcano (se carpathians), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 290: pp. 82-96, (2015)
- Wéber, Z., Galsa, A., Gráczer, Z., Gribovszki, K., Gyori, E., Kiszely M., Kovács, I.J., Szanyi, G., Süle, B., Varga, P., Hungarian National Report on IASPEI (011-2014), Geomatikai Közlemények 18:(1), p. 125, (2015)
- Mikolaj, M., Meurers, B., Mojzeš, M., 2015: The reduction of hydrology-indluced gravity variations at sites with insufficient hydrological instumentation, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 59 (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s11200-014-0232-8
- Qorbani, E., Kurz, W., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2015, Correlated crustal and mantle deformation in the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 108/1, 161-173
2015 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Bokelmann, G., Gribovszki, K., 2015, Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, CSNI Workshop on "Testing PSHA results and benefit of Bayesian techniques for seismic hazard assessment", Pavia
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Kolinsky, P., Gröschl, G., Apoloner, M.-T. and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray in Austria and Slovakia: The network and current status, anlässlich der Sitzung der AG-Seismologie, Wildbad Kreuth, September 2015, Germany
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Bokelmann, G., Perugia, I., Wechselwirkung eines seismischen Wellenfeldes mit Hohlräumen im Untergrund, anlässlich der Sitzung der AG-Seismologie, Wildbad Kreuth, Septermber 2015, Germany
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Mónus, P., Kovács, K., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Hegymegi, E., Novák, A., Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, Advances in Active Tectonics and Speleotectonics 2015, Natural History Museum Vienna, Sept. 2015, Austria.
- Boy, J. P., Barriot, J. P., Crossley, D., Ducarme, B., Förste, C., Hinderer, J., Meurers, B., Palinkas, V., Rosat, S., Wilmes, H., Wzontiek, H., Establishment of the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS), presentation at the 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prag
- Papp, G., Meurers, B., Benedek, J., Kis, M., Szucs, E., Koppán, A., Leonhardt, R., Ruotsalainen, H., On sensor characteristics of supersonducting and spring gravity metersinvestigated by the analysis of the time series recorded by them, presentation at the 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prag
- Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Francis, O., Pálinkàs, V., Temporal variation of tidal parameters in superconducting gravimeter time series, presentation at the 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prag
- LeBras, R., Bokelmann, G., Sucic, V., Malnar, D., Tary, J.-B., Herrera, R. H., The Baleakanta project. A database of hydroacoustic signatures of large cetaceans. A few cases of individual animal identification, presentation at Science and Technology 2015 at the CTBTO, Vienna
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Slab detachment under the Eastern Alps seen by seismic anisotropy, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Apoloner, M.-T., Kolinsky, P. and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray Austria: The network and current status, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
- Schneider, F., Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismic wave interaction with underground cavities, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling Regional Depth Phases for Eastern Austria, presentation at TIDES Advanced Training School, June 2015 in Bertinoro, Italy
- Bokelmann, G., Qorbani, E., 2015, Seismic anisotropy under the Alps, invited departmental colloquium, Universität Salzburg
- Bokelmann, G., Qorbani, E., 2015, Seismic anisotropy under the Alps, invited departmental colloquium Eötvös Lorand Univeristy, Budapest
- Bokelmann, G., Gribovszki, K., 2015, Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, CSNI Workshop on "Testing PSHA results and benefit of Bayesian techniques for seismic hazard assessment", Pavia
- Eken, F., Kind, R., Tilmann, F., Sodoudi, F., Taymaz, T., Bulut, F., Yuan, X., Can, B., Schneider, F., Thickness of the lithosphere beneath Anatolia from S receiver functions, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Eken, T., Kufner, S.-K., Tilmann, F., Schurr, B., Yuan, X., Mechie, J., Schneider, F., Sippl, C., Haberland, C., Kind, R., Seismic evidence for a sub-lithosphere origin of anisotropy beneath the Pamir, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs, F., Lupi, M., Miller, S. A., 2015, Remotely triggered nonvolcanic tremor in Sumbawa, Indonesia, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Malek, J., Brokesova, J., Kolinsky, P., Small-aperture array translational and rotational seismograms from distant earthquakes - an example of Jan Mayen Mw 6.8 of August 30, 2012 earthquake, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Van Camp, M., Meurers, B., Viron de, O., Forbriger, T., Optimized strategy for the calibration of superconducting gravimeters at the one per mille level, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Mónus, P., Kovács, K., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Bednárik, M., Brimich, L., Contraints on long-term seismic hazard from vulnerable stalagmites, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Tary, J. B., Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Implications of mainshock-aftershocks interactions during the 2013 Ebreichsdorf sequence, Austria, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Esterhazy, S., Perugia, I., Schöberl, J., Bokelmann, G., Numerical study of wave propagation around an underground cavity: acoustic case, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Apoloner, M.-T. and the AlpArray Working Group, AlpArray Austia - Illuminating the subsurface of Austria and understanding of Alpine geodynamics, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling and Detection of Regional Depth Phases at the GERESS Array, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Ebreichsdorf 2013 Earthquake Series: Relative Location, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Slab detachment under the Eastern Alps seen by seismic anisotropy, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Kovács, I., Falus, G., Anisotropic Structure of the Upper Mantle in the Pannonian Basin: From SKS Splitting data and Xenolith Constraints, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Kurz, W., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Correlated crustal and mantle deformation in the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Lucente, P. F., Chiarabba, C., Agostinetti, N. P., A close-up on the southern Apennines crustal structure, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Anselmi, M., Apoloner, M.-T., Qorbani, E., Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Ground Truth and Application for the Anisotropic Receiver Functions Technique - Test site KTB: the installation campaign, invited talk at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Plomerova, J., Bianchi, I., Hetényi G., Munzarová, H., Bokelmann, G., Kissling, E., AlpArray-EASI Working Group and AlpArray-EASI Field Team, The Eastern Alpine Seismic Investigation (EASI) project, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Lucente, F. P., Agostinetti, N. P., Di Bona, M., Govoni, A., Bianchi, I., Crustal structures across the lateral edge of the Southern Tyrrhenian slab, presentation at the EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
2014 - Publications
- Hábel, B. , Meurers, B., 2014: A new tidal analysis of superconducting gravity observations in Western and Central Europe. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, vol. 44, no. 1 (2014), p.1-24
- Behm, M., Shekar, B., Blind deconvolution of multichannel recordings by linearized inversion in the spectral domain, Geophysics, vol. 79, No. 2 (march-april 2014), p. 33-45, doi: 10.1190/GEO2013-0170.1
- Nakata, N., Snieder, R., Behm, M., Body-wave interferometry using regional earthquakes with multidimensional deconvolution after wavefield decomposition at free surface, Geophysical Journal International (2014), 199, p. 1125-1137, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu316
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2014, Slab detachment under the Eastern Alps seen by seismic anisotropy, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.10.049
- Bayrakci, G., Scalabrin, C., Dupré, S., Leblond, I., Tary, J.B., Lanteri, N., Augustin, J.-M., Berger, L., Cros, E., Ogor, A., Tsabaris, C., Lescanne, M., Géli, L., Acoustic Monitoring of gas emissions from the seafloor, Part II: a case study from the Sea of Marmara, Marine Geopysical Research, 35 (3), 211-229, doi:10.1007/s11001-014-9227-7
- Tary, J.B., Herrera, R.H., Han, J., van der Baan, M., Spectral estimation - What is new? What is next?, Reviews of Geophysics, 52, 1-26, doi:10.1002/2014RG000461
- Tary, J.B., van der Baan, M., Sutherland, B., Eaten, D.W., Characteristics of lfuid-induces resonances observed during microseismic monitoring, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, doi:10.1002/2014JB011263
- Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Metivier, L., Meurers, B., Francis, O., 2014: Reply to Comment on: "The quest for an consistent signal in ground and GRACE gravity time series", Geophys. Journal Int., 2014, 199, 1818-1822, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu360
- Farias C., Lupi M., Fuchs F., Miller S. A., Seismic activity of the Nevados de Chillan volcanic complex after the 2010 Mw8.8 Maule, Chile, earthquake, JVGR, 2014
- Fuchs F., Lupi M., Miller S. A., Remotely triggered nonvolcanic tremor in Sumbawa, Indonesia, GRL, 2014
- Lupi M., Fuchs F., Pacheco J. F., Fault reactivation due to the M7.6 Nicoya earthquake at the Turrialba-Irazu volcanic complex, Costa Rica: Effects of dynamic stress triggering, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4142-4148, 2014
- Bianchi, I., Behm, M., Rumpfhuber, E.M., Bokelmann, G., 2014, A new seismic data set on the depth of the Moho in the Alps, Pure and Applied Geophysics, doi:10.1007/s00024-014-0953-1
- Amato, A., Bianchi, l., Piana Agostinetti, N., Apulian crust: Top to bottom, Journal of Geodynamics, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2014.09.007
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Brückl, E., Hausmann, H., Mertl, S., Meurers, R., The 2013 Earthquake Series in the Southern Vienna Basin: location, Adv. Geosci., 36,77-80, doi: 10.5194/adgeo-36-77-2014, 2014
- Sucic, V., Saulig, N., Boashash, B., Analysis of Local Time-Frequency Entropy Features for Nonstationary Signal Components Time Supports Detection, Digital Signal Processing, 34 (2014) 56-66
- Sucic, V., Lerga, J., Boashash, B., Multicomponent Noisy Signal Adaptive Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using Components Time Support Information, IET Signal Processing, vol.8, no.3, pp.277-284, 2014
- Jurdana, I., Sucic, V., Submarine Optical Networks: How to Make Them Greener, The 16th Internat. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 4 pages, Graz, Austria, July 2014
- Ducarme B., Pálinkás, V., Meurers, B., Cui Xiaoming, Val'ko, M., 2014: On the comparison of tidal gravity parameters with tidal models in central Europe, Proc. 17th Int. Symp. On Earth Tides, Warsaw, 15-19 April 2013. S. Pagiatakis ed., J. Geodynamics, 80, 12-19. DOI:10.1016/j.jog.2014.02.011
- Karbon, M., Böhm, J., Meurers, B., Schuh, H., 2014: Atmospheric Corrections for Superconducting Gravimeters Using Operational Weather Models, Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 139, 2014, pp 421-427
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2014, Seismic signature of the Alpine indentation, evidence from the Eastern Alps, Journal of Geodynamics, 10.1016/j.jog.2014.07.005
- Chiarabba, C., Giacomuzzi, G., Bianchi, I., Agostinetti, N.P., Park, J., 2014, From underplating to delamination-retreat in the northern Apennines, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 403, 108–116, DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.06.041
- Bianchi, I., Miller, M.S., Bokelmann, G., 2014, Insights on the upper mantle beneath the Eastern Alps, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 403, 199-209, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.06.051
- Tary, J. B., van der Baan, M., Eaton, D. W., (2014), Interpretation of resonance frequencies recorded during hydraulic fracturing treatments, Journal of Geophysical Research 119(2), 1295-1315
- Tary, J. B., Herrera, R. H., van der Baan, M. (2014), Time-varying autoregressive model for spectral analysis of microseismic experiments and long-period volcanic events, Geophysical Journal International 196(1), 600-611
- Eaton, D., van der Baan, M., Birkelo, B., Tary, J. B. (2014), Scaling relations and spectral characteristics of tensile microseisms: Evidence for opening/closing fractures, Geophysical Journal International 196(3), 1844-1857
- Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Métivier, L., Meurers, B., Francis, O., The quest for a consistent signal in ground and GRACE gravity time-series, Geophys. Journal International 2014, 197: 192-201
- Buttinelli, M., Chiarabba, C., Anselmi M., Bianchi, I., De Rita, D., Quattrocchi, F., Crustal structure of Northern Latium (central Italy) from receiver functions analysis: new evidences of a post-collisional back-arc margin evolution, Tectonophysics, ISSN oo40-1951, 2014
- Behm, M., Leahy, G.M., Snieder, R., Retrieval of local surface wave velocities from traffic noise - an example from the La Barge basin (Wyoming), Geophysical Prospecting, Vol, 62, No 2, pp 223-243, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12080, 2014
- Bokelmann, G., Rodler, F., Nature of the Deep Vrancea Seismic Zone (Eastern Carpathians) - New Contraints From Dispersion of First-Arrival P-Waves, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 390, 59-68, 2014
2014 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Kovacs, I., Falus, F., Anisotropic Structure of the Upper Mantl in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: From SKS Splitting data and Xenolith Constraints, AGU fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA
- Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Slab Detachment Under the Eastern Alps Seen by Seismic Anisotropy, AGU fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA
- Apoloner, M.T., Bokelmann, G., Tary, J.-B., Seismotectonic Analysis of an Earthquake Cluster in the Southern Vienna Basin, presentation at the conference: Earthquakes: nucleation, triggering, and relationship with aseismic processes, Cargese, Corsica, Nov. 2014
- Tary, J.B., van der Baan, M., Sutherland, B., Eaton, D.W., Flow-induces resonance during hydraulic fracturing treatments, 84th Ann. Int. Mtg., SEG Denver
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., 2014, Upper mantle anisotropic structure of the Eastern Alps, presentation at the Pangeo meeting in Graz, September 2014
- Qorbani, E., Kurz, W., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2014 Correlated lower crust and mantle deformation in the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, presentation at the Pangeo meeting in Graz, September 2014
- Bianchi, I., Apoloner, M.-T., Qorbani, E., Lloyd, S., Gribovszki, K., Gerner, A., Arneitz, P., Jordakiev, P., Bokelmann, G., The Ground Truth of Crustal Anisotropy from Receiver Functions, Invited presentation, AGU fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco
- Bianchi, I., Agostinetti, N. P., Use of passive seismic data to characterize sedimentary basins, an example from the Vienna Basin, Austria, Invited presentation, AGU fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Upper mantle anisotropic structure of the Eastern Alps, presentation at the LABPAX workshop, Hainburg, 2014
- Agostinetti, P. N., Bianchi, I., The LAB beneath the world oldest oceanic plate, presentation at the LABPAX workshop, Hainburg, 2014
- Bianchi, I., Miller, M.S., Bokelmann, G., The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary below the Alpine Chain, presentation at the LABPAX workshop, Hainburg, 2014
- Gribovszki, K., Mónus P., Kovács K., Bokelmann G., Konecny, P., Lednicka M., Brimich L., Bednárik M., Estimation the upper limit of prehistoric peak ground acceleration using the parameters of intact stalagmite in Plavecka Priepast cave, in the Little Carpathians, Slovakia Seismic Hazard of Vienna and Bratislava, Preliminary results. Conference name: "Get to know the secrets of science" Institute of Geonics, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 10th-12th November, 2014
- Gribovszki, K., Mónus P., Kovács K., Bokelmann G., Konecny P., Lednicka M., Brimich L., Bednárik M., Földrengés-veszélyeztetettség becslése a Kis-Kárpátokban található Detrekői-zsomboly sértetlen állócseppkövének vizsgálatával Előzetes/nyers eredmények, IX. Geomatika Szeminárium, 14-15th of November, 2014
- Bokelmann, G., Rodler, F., Seismic evidences for the nature of the Vrancea zone of the Eastern Carpathians: an oceanic subduction zone, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Behm, M., Nakata, N., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Love and Rayleigh wave dispersion from regional Ambient Noise Tomography in the Eastern Alps of Europe, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Miller, M.S., Bokelmann, G., Lithosphere thickness variation along the Eastern Alps, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Konecny, P., Bokelmann, G., Brimich, L., Estimation the upper limit of prehistoric peak ground acceleration using the parameters of intact stalagmite in Plavecka Priepast, PP2 Slovakia - Seismic Hazard of Vienna and Bratislava, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Brückl, E., Hausmann, H., Mertl, S., Meurers, R., The 2013 Earthquake Series in the Southern Vienna Basin: Location, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Le Bras, R., Bianchi, I., Agostinetti, N., Bokelmann, G., Seismometer deployment campaign and observations on the tectonics of the Southern Vienna basin fault system, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Le Bras, R., Sucic, V., Malnar, D., Bokelmann, G., Quadratic Time-Frequency Analysis of Hydroacoustic Signals as Applied to Acoustic Emissions of Large Whales, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Upper mantle anisotropic structure of the Eastern Alps, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Kovács, I., Falus, G., Anisotropic structure of the Pannonian basin: Reprocessing SKS splitting data for the CBP project stations, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Rosa, J. W. C., Bokelmann, G., Constraining depth of anisotropy in the Amazon region (Northern Brasil), presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Mikolaj, M., Meurers, B., Günter, A., A Matlab-based Tool for the Analysis of Global Gravity Effects, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Palinkas, V., Temporal Variation of Tidal Parameters, presentation at the EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., 2014, Internal deformation of the Eastern Alps - and the AlpArray project, Invited Colloquium, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
- Planes, T., Parekh, M., Rittgers, J., Behm, M., Mooney, M., Snieder, R, Monitoring temporal changes in a levee with ambient seismic noise, Seismological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska 2014
2013 - Publications
- Loidl, B., Behm, M., Thybo, H., Stratford, W., Three-dimensional seismic model of crustal structure in Southern Norway, Geophysical Journal Int. 2013, 10.1093/gji/gg471
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Chuan-Chou Shen, Török, À., Brimich, L., Estimation of an upper limit on prehistoric peak ground acceleration using the parameters of intact stalagmites and the mechanical properties of broken stalamites in Domica cave, Slovakia, Slovensky kras (Slovak Karst) Vol. 51, No.1-2
- Bokelmann, G., Qorbani Chegeni, E., Bianchi, I., 2013, Seismic Anisotropy and Large-Scale Deformation of the Eastern Alps, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.09.019
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Szeidovitz, G., Varga, P., Paskaleva, I., Brimich, L., Kovacs., K., 2013, Comprehensive investigation of intact, vulnerable stalagmites to estimate an upper limit on prehistoric ground acceleration, Proceedings of the Vienna Congress on Recent Advanced in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics & 13. D-A-CH Tagung, Vienna, paper no 445, 10p
- Riahi, N., Bokelmann, G., Sala, P., Saenger, E.H., 2013, Time-lapse analysis of ambient surface wave anisotropy: a three-component array study above an underground gas storage, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 118, 1–13, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50375, 2013
- Gerner, A., Bokelmann, G., 2013, Instrument Selfnoise and sensor misalignment, Advances in Geophysics, doi: 10.5194/adgeo-36-17-2013
- Behm, M., Snieder, R., Love waves from local traffic noise interferometry, The Leading Edge, June 2013
- Kronrod, T., Radulian, M., Panza, GF., Popa, M., Paskaleva, I., Radovanovich, S., Gribovszki, K., Sandu, I., Pekevski, L., Intergrated transnational macroseismic data set for the strongest earthquakes of Vranacea (Romania), Tectonophysics 590, p. 1-23 (2013), doi 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.01.019
- Spada, M., Bianchi, I., Kissling, E., Piana Agostinetti, N., Wiemer, S., 2013, Combining controlled-source seismology and receiver function information to derive 3d moho topography for Italy, Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt148
- Poplavskiy, A.S., Le Bras, R.J., Recordings of Long-Period Fluctuations Associated with the Passage of Three Distinct Tsunamis at Broadband Seismometers Made at the International Monitoring System (IMS) Hydroacoustic T-station H06 (Socorro Island, Mexico), Seismological Research Letters, Volumne 84, Number 4, July/August 2013, doi: 10.1785/0220120116
- Arneitz, P., Meurers, B., Ruess, D., Ullrich, C., Abermann, J., and Kuhn, M.: Gravity effect of glacial ablation in the Eastern Alps - observation and modeling, The Cryosphere, 7, 491-498, doi:10.5194/tc-7-491-2013, 2013
- Lou, X., Lee van der, S., Lloyd, S., AIMBAT: A Python/Matplotlib Tool for Measuring Teleseismic Arrival Times, Seismological Research Letters, Volume 84, Number 1, January/February 2013, doi: 10.1785/0220120033
2013 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Kis, M., Gribovszki, K., Kiszely, M., Observations and analysis of an earthquake based on extensometer and seismometer recordings in the Mátyáshegy gravity and geodynamical observatory and the Kövesligethy seismological observatory in Budapest 17th International Symposium on Earth Tides „Understand the Earth” Warsaw, 15-19 April, 2013
- Van Camp, M.J., Meurers, B., De Viron, O., Metivier, L., Francis, O., The quest for a consistent signal in ground and GRACE grafity time series, American Geophysical Union's 45th annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 9-13 December 2013
- Chiarabba, C., Giacomuzzi, G., Bianchi, I., Piana Agostinetti, N., Park, J., Velocity contrasts in the mantle: changing the paradigm of the Apennines, presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, 2013
- Győri, E., Tóth, L., Mónus, P., Graczer, Z., Gribovszki, K., Seismic microzonation of Budapest, Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Ostrava, 14.11.2013
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., 2013, Anisotropic upper mantle structure of the Eastern Alps, poster presentation at the workshop about Structure and Dynamics of the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere System, College de France, Paris
- Bianchi, I., Miller, M.S., Bokelmann, G., 2013, Upper mantle discontinuity below the Eastern Alps, poster presentation at the workshop about Structure and Dynamics of the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere System, College de France, Paris
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Chuan-Chou Shen, Török, À., Brimich, L., Estimation of an upper limit on prehistoric peak ground acceleration using the parameters of intact stalagmites and the mechanical properties of broken stalamites in Domica cave, Slovakia, presenation at Research, Use and Protection of Caves conference, Liptovská Sielnica, 2013
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Chuan-Chou Shen, Török, À., Brimich, L., Seismi hazard estimations by stalagmites, presentation at commemoration in the most devastating earthquake in Hungary occurred in Komarom at 1763, Komárom, Duna Menti Múzeum, 2013
- Le Bras, R., Kuzma, H., 2013, Establishing a Dynamic Database of Blue and Fin Whale Locations from Recordings at the IMS CTBTO hydro-acoustic network. The Baleakanta Project, presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco
- Bokelmann, G., 2013, Low frequency ground roll for reservoir imaging and monitoring, presentation at RAG, Vienna, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., 2013, Low frequency ground roll, presentation at OMV, Vienna, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., Chegeni Qorbani, E., Bianchi, I., 2013, The Eastern Alps: Internal deformation, Adriatic Indenter and Eastward Extrusion, invited talk by the Austrian Geological Society, Vienna
- Bokelmann, G., 2013, Interne Deformation der Ostalpen, departmental colloquium at the Institute of geology, mineralogy and petrography, Innsbruck
- Behm, M., Bokelmann, G., Nakata, N., Lloyd, S., Ambient Noise Topography in the Eastern Alps of Europe, presentation at the AGU fall meeting 2013
- Bianchi, I., Miller, M., Bokelmann, G., The lithosphere-astenosphere boundary below the Eastern Alps and the effect of eastward extrusion, oral presentation at the Alpine Workshop 2013, Schladming, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., Qorbani Chegeni, E., Bianchi, I., 2013, Large-Scale Deformation of the Eastern Alps from Seismic Anisotropy, keynote lecture at the Alpine Workshop 2013, Schladming, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., 2013, Deformation in den Alpen - und das AlpArray-Projekt, colloquium at the Institute for Earth Sciences, University of Graz, Austria
- Mikolaj, M., Meurers, B., Mojzes, Hydrological Investigation at Selected Stations with Superconducting Gravimeter, presentation at the IAG in St. Petersburg 2013, Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry
- Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., Mikolaj, M., Blaumoser, N., Results and comparison of gravity time series at Vienna and Conrad observatory, presentation at the Earth Tide Symosiom 2013 in Warsaw
- Ducarme, B., Palinkas, V., Meurers, B., Cui Xiaoming, Valko, M., On the comparison of observed tidal parameters with tidal models in central Europe, presentation at the Earth Tide Symosiom 2013 in Warsaw
- Gribovszki, K., Bokelmann, G., Szeidovitz, G., Varga, P., Paskaleva, I., Brimich, L., Kovacs., K., Comprehensive investigation of intact, vulnerable stalagmites to estimate an upper limit on prehistoric horizontal ground acceleration, presentation at the VEESD conference 2013 in Vienna
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling Local and Regional Wave Propagation, presentation at the CTBT, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Lloyd, S., Bokelmann, G., Sucic, V., Analysis of Transient Seismic Signals using Wigner-Ville Distributions, presentation at the CTBT, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Le Bras, R., Sucic, V., Individual blue whale recognition. Wigner-Ville time-frequency analysis and preparation for a Kaggle contest, presentation at the CTBT, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Le Bras, R., Kuzma, H., Brogan, R., Ocean Acoustic Thermometry using Active Biological Sources recorded at IMS hydrophones. A Proposed Feasibility Study, presentation at the CTBT, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., Hammerl, D., Lenhardt, W., Meurers, B., Geophysik in Wien: Gestern und Heute, presentation at the Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 2013, Leipzig, Deutschland, (High-Resolution Version)
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling Local and Regional Wave Propagation, presentation at the Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 2013, Leipzig, Deutschland
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Anisotropy Beneath the Eastern Alps: Shear-Wave Splitting from Permanent Stations, presentation at the Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 2013, Leipzig, Deutschland
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Modeling Local and Regional Wave Propagation, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Behm, M., Moho depth & Poisson ratio across Eastern Alps, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Miller, M.S., Bokelmann, G., Seismic Structures Below the Eastern Alps from P and S Receiver Functions, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Bokelmann, G., Qorbani Chegeni, E., Bianchi, I., Anisotropy Beneath the Eastern Alps: Shear-Wave Splitting from Permanent Stations, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Brazda, K., De Hoop, M.V., Hörmann, G., Seismic waves in a self-gravitating planet, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Arneitz, P., Gerner, A., Meurers, B., Bokelmann, G., Assembling geophysical datasets from Austria, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Gerner, A., Bokelmann, G., Instrument Self-Noise and Sensor Misalignment, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Gribovszki, K., Kovács, K., Mónus, P., Chuan-Chou, S., Török, Á., Brimich, L., Varga, P., Novák, A., Kele, S., Estimation of an upper limit on prehistoric peak ground acceleration using the parameters of intact stalagmites and the mechanical properties of broken stalagmites in Domica cave, Slovakia, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Lloyd, S., Bokelmann, G., Sucic, V., Group Velocity Dispersion Curves from Wigner-Ville Distributions, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Mikolaj, M., Meurers, B., Hydrology Induced Gravity Variation Observed at Vienna and Conrad Observatory, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Rodler, F.-A., Bokelmann, G., Gerner, A., Nature of the Deep Vrancea Seismic Zone – New Constraints from Dispersion of First-Arrival P-Waves, presentation at the EGU, 2013, Vienna, Austria
2012 - Publications
- Krainer, K., Mussner, L., Behm, M., Hausmann, H., 2012, Multi-disciplinary investigation of an active rock glacier in the sella group (Dolomites; Northern Italy), Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105 (2), pp. 48-62
- Karbon, M., Böhm, J., Meurers, B., and Schuh, H., 2012: Atmospheric corrections for superconducting gravimeters using operational weather models. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Ch. Rizos, P. Willis (Eds): Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, ISBN 978-3-642-37221-6
- Meurers, B., 2012: Superconducting gravimeter calibration by co-located gravity observations - results from GWR C025. International Journal of Geophysics, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 954271, 12 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/954271 (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijgp/2012/954271/)
- Bokelmann, G., 2012, Deformation in der Erde: Von Erdbeben bis zur Plattentektonik, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation. Heft 1/2012
- Salcher, B.C., Meurers, B., Smit, J., Decker, K., Hölzel, M., Wagreich, M. 2012: Strike-slip tectonics and Quaternary basin formation along the Vienna Basin fault system inferred from Bouguer gravity derivatives, Tectonics, 31, TC3004, doi:10.1029/2011TC002979
- Király, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2012, Seismic anisotropy in the south western pacific region from shear wave splitting, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2011GL050407
2012 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Lloyd, S., Bokelmann, G., Synthetic Parameter Tests for Ambient Noise Tomography, presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, USA
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Shiomi, K., 2012, 3D distribution of seismic anisotropy within the crust beneath Northern Japan, presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2012
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Behm, M., Hunting the European-Adriatic plate boundary in Eastern Alps: a receiver function perspective, presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2012
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Deformation Under the Alps from SKS Shear-Wave Splitting, presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, USA
- de Viron, O., Van Camp, M., Metivier, L., Meurers, B., Francis, O., Wziontek, H., 2012, Comparison of GRACE gravity field solutions, hydrological models and time series of superconducting gravimeters in Central Europe, presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, USA
- Chiarabba, C., Piana Agostinetti, N., Bianchi, I., Giacomuzzi, G., The Southern Tyrrhenian subduction zone: an upgraded view from seismological studies, presentation at the 86 Congresso della società Geologica Italiana, Arcanvancata di Rende, Italy, Sept. 2012
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Shiomi, K., 2012, Crustal anisotropy across Northern Japan by receiver functions, presentation at the European Seismological Commission Meeting, Moscow, Russia
- Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Lenhardt, W., Millahn, K., Hetenyi, G., Was Sie schon immer über den Untergrund der Alpen wissen wollten: Erste Informationen über das zukünftige AlpArray-Projekt, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Arneitz, P., Gerner, A., Meurers, B., Bokelmann, G., Assembling geophysical datasets from Austria, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Apoloner, M.-T., Brückl, E., Weber, R., Gottwald, C., Möller, G., Schnurr, B., Umnig, E., ALPAACT - Zielsetzung und Stand des Projekts, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., Improving Identification of Regional Depth Phases in Sparse Networks, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Behm, M., Bokelmann, G., Structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Vienna Basin Region, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Structure of the Vienna Basin by analysis of passive seismic data, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Seismic Anisotropy Across the Plate Boundary in the Eastern Alps, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Gerner, A., Bokelmann, G., Self-Noise and Sensitivity of Broadband Seismographs, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Lloyd, S., Bokelmann, G., Synthetic Parameter Tests for Ambient Noise Tomography, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Anisotropy and deformation beneath the Eastern Alps, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Qorbani, E., Bokelmann, G., Bianchi, I., Deformation Under the Alpes from SKS Shear-Wave Splitting, presentation at the PANGEO Austria 2012 in Salzburg, Austria
- Bianchi, I., Receiverfunction Analysis as a Tool to Unravel Seismic Anisotropy at Depth, invited talk at GFU, Prague
- Bokelmann, G., 2012, Deformation in der Erde: Von Erdbeben bis zur Plattentektonik, Invited Keynote talk at the Austrian Geodetic Day in Velden, May 2012
- Bokelmann, G., 2012, Deformation in der Erde: Von Erdbeben bis zur Plattentektonik, Antrittsvorlesung, Universität Wien
- Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Shiomi, K., 2012, Crustal anisotropy across Northern Japan by receiver functions, presentation at the European Geophysical Society Meeting in Vienna 2012
- Apoloner, M.-T., Bokelmann, G., 2012, Improving identification of regional depth phases in sparse networks, presentation at the European Geophysical Society Meeting in Vienna
- Lloyd, S., Bokelmann, G., 2012, Ambient Noise Classification in the Vienna Basin, presentation at the European Geophysical Society Meeting in Vienna
- Salcher, B., Lomax, J., Meurers, B., Smit, J., Preusser, F., Decker, K., 2012, Tectonics and Quaternary sequence development of basins along the active Vienna Basin strike-slip fault, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-10360, 2012, EGU General Assembly 2012
- Arneitz, P., Meurers, B., Ruess, D., Ullrich, Ch., Abermann, J., Kuhn, M., 2012, Gravity effect of glacial ablation in the Eastern Alps - observation and modeling, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-4502-2, 2012, EGU General Assembly 2012
- Karbon, M., Böhm, J., Meurers, B., Schuh, H., 2012, Atmospheric correction for superconducting gravimeters based on operational weather models, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-3977, 2012, EGU General Assembly 2012
- Meurers, B., Blaumoser, N., Ullrich, Ch., 2012, Remarks on superconducting gravimeter calibration by co-located gravity observations, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-14213-1, 2012, EGU General Assembly 2012
- Bokelmann, G., 2012, Geophysik an den Wiener Universitäten, Invited Talk at the FKPE (Forschungskollegium des Erdkörpers) Meeting in Hamburg, April
2011 - Publications
- Spahić, D., Exner, U., Behm, M., Grasemann, B., Haring, A., Pretsch, H., 2011, Listric versus planar normal fault geometry: An example from the Eisenstadt-Sopron Basin (E Austria), International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100 (7), pp. 1685-1695
- Mitterbauer, U., Behm, M., Brückl, E., Lippitsch, R., Guterch, A., Keller, G.R., Koslovskaya, E., Rumpfhuber, E.-M., Sumanovac, F., 2011, Shape and origin of the East-Alpine slab constrained by the ALPASS teleseismic model, Tectonophysics, 510 (1-2), pp. 195-206
- Oeberseder, T., Behm, M., Kovács, I., Falus, G., 2011, A seismic discontinuity in the upper mantle between the Eastern Alps and the Western Carpathians: Constraints from wide angle reflections and geological implications, Tectonophysics, 504 (1-4), pp. 122-134
- Hausmann, H., Behm, M., 2011, Imaging the structure of cave ice by ground-penetrating radar, Cryosphere, 5 (2), pp. 329-340
- Seccia, D., C. Chiarabba, P. De Gori, I. Bianchi, D. Hill, 2011, Evidence for the contemporary magmatic system beneath Long Valley Caldera from local earthquake tomography and receiver function analysis, J.Geophys. Res., 116, B12, DOI: 10.1029/2011JB008471
- Di Stefano, R., I. Bianchi, M. G. Ciaccio, G. Carrara, and E. Kissling, 2011, Three-dimensional Moho topography in Italy: New constraints from receiver functions and controlled source seismology, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q09006, doi:10.1029/2011GC003649
- Piana Agostinetti, N., Bianchi, I., Amato, A., Chiarabba, C, 2011, Fluid Migration in Continental Subduction, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Volume 302, Issues 3‐4, Pages 267‐278
- Bokelmann, G.H.R., Maufroy, E., Buontempo, L., Morales, J., Barruol, G., 2011, Testing oceanic subduction and convective removal models for the Gibraltar arc: seismological contraints from dispersion and anisotropy, Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.08.004 (*)
- Barruol, G., Bonnin, M., Pedersen, H., Bokelmann, G., Tiberi, C. 2011, Belt-parallel mantle flow beneath a halted continental collision: the Western Alps, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.040
2011 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Bokelmann, G., 2011, Das Erdbeben in Japan: Ursache und Auswirkungen - Seismologische Betrachtungen, Invited Talk at the Austrian Geophysical Society Meeting, Vienna
- Lenhardt, W., Meurers, B., 2011, Seismological observations in Austria - The Tohoku earthquake and its impact on gravity, Invited Talk at the Austrian Geophysical Society Meeting, Vienna, 03.11.2011
- Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2011, Atmospheric effects on gravity, Invited Talk, Seminar on Current Research in Advanced Geodesy, 12.10.2011, TU Vienna
- Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2011, Atmospheric effects on gravity, Meteorologisch-Geophysikalisches Kolloquium, 21.06.2011, Univ. Vienna
- Bokelmann, G., 2011, Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Projekte in der Geophysik an den Wiener Universitäten, Invited Talk at the Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics, Montan Universität Leoben
- Kiraly, E., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., 2011, Seismic anisotropy in the South Western Pacific region from shear wave splitting, presentation at the European Geosciences Union Meeting, Vienna
- Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., Blaumoser, N., 2011, Atmospheric signals in the SG gravity record at Conrad Observatory, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-12474, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011
- Bokelmann, G., 2011, Das Sendai-Beben in Japan vom 11.3.2011, General public lecture at the University of Vienna, March 2011 (Kurier-Artikel)
- Bokelmann, G., Felt, U., Lueger-Schuster, B., Linhart, S., 2011, Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen der Japan-Katastrophe, General public lectures at the University of Vienna, March 30th 2011
- Bokelmann, G., Steinacker, R., Kromp, W., 2011, Informationsveranstaltung zur Naturkatastrophe in Japan, General public lectures at the University of Vienna, March 15th 2011
- Bokelmann, G., Kiraly, E., Bianchi, I., 2011, Seismic anisotropy in the South Western Pacific region from shear-wave splitting, Poster at the CTBTO Science & Technology session, Vienna
2010 - Publications
- Rodler, F., Kürster, M., Henning, T., tau Boötis b: Huntin for reflected starlight, A & A 514, A23 (2010) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200913627
- Bianchi, I., Chiarabba, C., Agostinetti, N. Piana, Control of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, central Italy, by a high-velocity structure: A receiver function study, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Volume: 115, Article Number: B12326, doi:10.1029/2009JB007087
- Bianchi, I., Park, J., Agostinetti, N. Piana, et al., Mapping seismic anisotropy using harmonic decomposition of receiver functions: An application to Northern Apennines, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Volume: 115, Article Number: B12317, doi:10.1029/2009JB007061
- Chiarabba, D., Bagh, S., Bianchi, I., et al, Deep structural heterogeneities and the tectonic evolution of the Abruzzi region (Central Apennines, Italy) revealed by microseismicity, seismic tomography, and teleseismic receiver functions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume: 295, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 462-476, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.04.028
- Bonnin, M., Barruol, G., Bokelmann, G.H.R., 2010, Upper mantle deformation beneath the North American–Pacific plate boundary in California from SKS splitting, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B04306, doi:10.1029/2009JB006438
- Vajda, P., Vaníček, P., Novák, P., Tenzer, R., Ellmann, A. and Meurers, B., 2010: On ambiguities in definitions and applications of Bouguer gravity anomaly. In: Mertikas, Stelios (Ed.): Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, IAG Commission 2: Gravity Field, Chania, Crete, Greece, 23–27 June 2008, pp 19–24 (538 p), book series: IAG Symposia, Vol. 135, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-10633-0, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7
- Vajda, P., Ellmann, A., Meurers, B., Vaníček, P., Novák, P., and Tenzer, R., 2010: Harmonic continuation and gravimetric inversion of gravity in areas of negative geodetic heights. In: Mertikas, Stelios (Ed.): Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation, IAG Commission 2: Gravity Field, Chania, Crete, Greece, 23–27 June 2008, pp 25–30 (538 p), book series: IAG Symposia, Vol. 135, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-10633-0, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7
- Van Camp, M., Métivier, L., de Viron, O., Meurers, B., Williams, S.D.P., 2010: Characterizing long-time scale hydrological effects on gravity for improved distinction of tectonic signals, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B07407, doi:10.1029/2009JB006615
- Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, GHR, Barruol, G., 2010, Evidence for ancient lithospheric deformation in the East European Craton based on mantle seismic anisotropy and crustal magnetics, Tectonophysics, 481, 16-28, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.010
2010 - Invited talks and conference contributions
- Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2010, Environmental effects on gravity at Conrad Observatory, Austria, PANGEO, 15. – 19. September 2010
- Meurers, B., Dorninger, M., 2010, Environmental effects on gravity at Conrad Observatory, Austria, Herbsttagung 2010, Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik
- Meurers, B., 2010, Gravity field research in Austria, Invited Talk at the Austrian Geophysical Society Meeting, Vienna, 06.10.2010
2009 - Publications
- Barruol, G., Suetsugu, D., Shiobara, H., Sugioka, H., Tanaka, S., Bokelmann, G.H.R., Fontaine, F., Reymond, D., 2009, Mapping upper mantle flow beneath French Polynesia from broadband ocean bottom seismic observations, Geophys. Res. Let., 36, L14301, doi:10.1029/2009GL038139
- Bokelmann, G.H.R., Wüstefeld, A., 2009, Comparing crustal and mantle fabric from the North American craton using magnetics and seismic anisotropy, EPSL, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.10.032
- Chiarabba, C., Amato, A., Anselmi, M., Bianchi, I., et al, The 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) M(W)6.3 earthquake: Main shock and aftershocks, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 36, L18308, doi: 10.1029/2009GL039627
- Fontaine, F.R., Barruol, G., Kennett, B.L.N., Bokelmann, G., Reymond, D., 2009, Upper mantle anisotropy beneath Australia and Tahiti from P wave polarization: Implications for real-time earthquake location, JGR, 114, B03306, doi:10.1029/2008JB005709
- Jiang, Z., Becker, M., Francis, O., Germak, A., Palinkas, V., Jousset, P., Kostelecky, J., Dupont, F., Lee, C.W., Tsai, C.L., Falk, R., Wilmes, H., Kopaev, A., Ruess, D., Ullrich, C., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Deroussi, S., Métivier L., Pajot, G., Pereira Dos Santos, F., van Ruymbeke, M., Naslin S., Ferry, M., 2009: Relative Gravity Measurement Campaign during the 7th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (2005). Metrologia, 46, 214–226, doi:10.1088/0026-1394/46/3/008
- Meurers, B., Ruess, D., 2009, A new Bouguer gravity map of Austria, Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 102, 62-70
- Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, G., Barruol, G., Montagner, J.-P., 2009, Identifying global seismic anisotropy patterns by correlating shear-wave splitting and surface wave data, PEPI, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2009.05.006
- Zürn, W., Meurers, B., 2009: Clear evidence for the sign-reversal of the pressure admittance to gravity near 3mHz, Journal of Geodynamics, 48, 371–377
2008 - Publications
- Barruol, G., Devercheres, J., Deschamps, A., G.H.R. Bokelmann, 2008, Upper mantle flow beneath the Hangay dome, central Mongolia, EPSL, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.27
- Buontempo, L., Bokelmann, G., Morales, J., Barruol, G., 2008, Seismic anisotropy beneath Southern Iberia from splitting of SKS phases, EPSL doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.024
- Vajda, P., Ellmann, A., Meurers, B., Vanícek, P., Novák, P., Tenzer, R., 2008: Global ellipsoid-referenced topographic, bathymetric and stripping corrections to gravity disturbance, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 52, 19–34, doi: 10.1007/s11200-008-0003-5
- Vajda, P., Ellmann, A., Meurers, B., Vanícek, P., Novák, P., Tenzer, R., 2008: Gravity disturbances in regions of negative heights: A reference quasi-ellipsoid approach, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 52, 35–52, doi: 10.1007/s11200-008-0004-4
- Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, G., Barruol, G., Zaroli, C., 2008, Splitlab: a shear-wave splitting environment in Matlab, Computers & Geosciences, 34, 515-528
2007 - Publications
- Jiang, Z., Becker, M., Francis, O., Germak, A., Palinkas, V., Jousset, P., Kostelecky, J., Dupont, F., Lee, C.W., Tsai, C.L., Falk, R., Wilmes, H., Kopaev, A., Ruess, D., Ullrich, C., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Deroussi, S., Métivier L., Pajot, G., Pereira Dos Santos, F., van Ruymbeke, M., Naslin S., Ferry, M., 2009: Relative Gravity Measurement Campaign during the 7th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (2005). Metrologia, 46, 214–226, doi:10.1088/0026-1394/46/3/008.
- Bokelmann, G., Maufroy, E., 2007, Mantle structure under Gibraltar constrained by seismic waveform complexity, Geophys. Res. Let., 34, L22305, doi:10.1029/2007GL030964,
- Fontaine, F.R., Barruol, G., Tommasi, A., Bokelmann, G., Reymond, D., 2007, Upper mantle flow beneath Polynesia from shear-wave splitting, Geophys. J. Int., 169, 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03475.x
- Meurers, B., Ruess, D., 2007: Compilation of a new Bouguer gravity data base in Austria. In: Brunner, F., Kahmen, H., Schuh, H. (Eds.), Austrian Contributions to IUGG 2007, Perugia, Italy, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation, 95 (2), 90–94.
- Meurers, B., Vajda, P., 2007: Some aspects of Bouguer gravity determination - revisited. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, Volume 36, Special issue: 2nd Workshop on International Gravity Field Research, Smolenice 2006, 99–112.
- Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., Petermans, T., 2007: Correcting superconducting gravity time-series using rainfall modelling at the Vienna and Membach stations and application to Earth tide analysis, Journal of Geodesy, 81, 11, 703–712, DOI-10.1007/s00190-007-0137-1,
- Walker, K.T., Bokelmann, G.H.R., Klemperer, S.L., Bock, G., and the Eifel plume team, 2007, Seismic anisotropy in the asthenosphere beneath the Eifel region, in: Mantle plumes – a multidisciplinary approach, ed. By J.R.R. Ritter and U.R. Christensen, Springer-Verlag, VIII, p. 439-464
- Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, G., 2007, Null detection in shear-wave splitting measurements, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 97, 4, 1204-1211