© Fuchs
Last info: 31.2.2021
Curriculum Vitae
- November 2020: Guest Professor for "Environmental Seismology", Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna, Austria
- 2014 - 2020: Post-Doc, Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna, Austria (AlpArray)
- 2011 - 2014: PhD in Geophysics, Steinmann-Institut, University of Bonn, Germany (Dynamic triggering)
- 2005 - 2011: Diploma in Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bonn, Germany (THz wave generation)
Research Interests
- Environmental seismology, anthropogenic and natural seismic signals from the earth surface and above
- Seismic signals generated by mass movements (e.g. landslides, rockfalls, avalanches ...)
- Infrasound and seismo-acoustic coupling
- Earthquake-Volcano interaction, microseismic activity of volcanoes and hydrothermal sytems, volcano seismology, earthquake influence on mud-volcanism
- Dynamic triggering, remote surface wave triggering, triggered earthquakes, triggered volcanic unrest, triggered tectonic tremor
- Previously working on projects in Iceland, Chile, Costa Rica & Indonesia – now focusing on AlpArray Austria & Slovakia
> ORCID | Scopus | Google Scholar | Publons | ResearchGate
- Novoselov A., Fuchs F., Bokelmann G. (2020), Acoustic-to-seismic ground coupling: coupling efficiency and inferring near-surface properties, Geophysical Journal International, 223, 144-160
- Fuchs F., Novoselov A., Bokelmann G. (2020), Acoustic Ground Coupling Experiment: Dataset Description, University of Vienna, PHAIDRA
- Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Acoustic-to-seismic ground coupling: coupling efficiency and inferring near-surface properties, COBS journal (Conrad Oberservatory Journal), Volume 11, 2020
- Fuchs F., Schneider F. M., Kolinsky P., Serafin S., and Bokelmann G. (2019), Rich observations of local and regional infrasound phases made by the AlpArray seismic network after refinery explosion, Scientific Reports, 9, 13027
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismic detection of rockslides at regional scale: Examples from the Eastern Alps and feasibility of kurtosis-based event location, Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 955-970
- Schneider F. M., Fuchs F., Kolinsky P., Caffagni E., Dorninger M., Serafin S., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 502, 104-114
- Hetényi G., Molinari I., Clinton J., Bokelmann G., Bondár I., Crawford W. C., Dessa J.-X., Doubre C., Friederich F., Fuchs F., Giardini D., Gráczer Z., Handy M. R., Herak M., Jia Y., Kissling E., Kopp H., Korn M., Margheriti L., Meier T., Mucciarelli M., Paul A., Pesaresi D., Piromallo C., Plenefisch T., Plomerová J., Ritter J., Rümpker G., Šipka V., Spallarossa D., Thomas C., Tilmann F., Wassermann J., Weber M., Wéber Z., Wesztergom V., Živčić M., AlpArray Seismic Network Team, AlpArray OBS Cruise Crew, AlpArray Working Group (2018), The AlpArray Seismic Network: A Large‑Scale European Experiment to Image the Alpine Orogen, Surveys in Geophysics, 39, 1009-1033, 2018
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2017), Equidistant spectral lines in train vibrations, Seismological Research Letters, 89, 56-66
- Lupi M., Fuchs F. and Saenger E. H. (2017), Numerical simulations of passing seismic waves at the Larderello-Travale geothermal field, Italy, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 5418-5426
- Fuchs F., Kolínský P., Gröschl G., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2016), AlpArray in Austria and Slovakia: technical realization, site description and noise characterization, Advances in Geosciences, 43, 1-13
- Lupi M., Suski Ricci B., Kenkel J., Ricci T., Fuchs F., Miller S. A. and Kemna A. (2016), Subsurface fluid distribution and possible seismic precursory signal at the Salse di Nirano mud volcanic field, Italy, Geophysical Journal International, 204, 907-917
- Fuchs F., Kolínský P., Gröschl G., Apoloner M.-T., Qorbani E., Schneider F., Bokelmann G. (2015), Site selection for a countrywide temporary network in Austria: noise analysis and preliminary performance, Advances in Geosciences, 41, 25-33
- Farias C., Lupi M., Fuchs F. and Miller S. A. (2014), Seismic activity of the Nevados de Chillan volcanic complex after the 2010 Mw8.8 Maule, Chile, earthquake, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 283, 116-126
- Fuchs F., Lupi M. and Miller S. A. (2014), Remotely triggered nonvolcanic tremor in Sumbawa, Indonesia, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4185-4193
- Lupi M., Fuchs F. and Pacheco J. F. (2014), Fault reactivation due to the M7.6 Nicoya earthquake at the Turrialba-Irazu volcanic complex, Costa Rica: Effects of dynamic stress triggering, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4142-4148
- Fuchs F., Lupi M., Jakobsdottir S. S., Thordarson T. and Miller S. A. (2013), Seismicity observed under the Snaefellsjokull volcano, Jökull, 63, 105-112
- Lupi M., Saenger E. H., Fuchs F. and Miller S. A. (2013), Lusi mud eruption triggered by geometric focusing of seismic waves, Nature Geoscience, 6, 642-646
- Dissertation: Dynamic Triggering: The effects of remote earthquakes on volcanoes, hydrothermal systems and tectonics (2015), Universität Bonn, Deutschland
- Member of ORFEUS User Advisory Group
- Reviewer for: Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, Geophysical Journal International, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Earth Surface Dynamics, Advances in Geosciences
- Best presentation by a young scientist - CTBT SnT 2019, Vienna, Austria
Media appearences
- Geologen erkunden Alpenuntergrund bezüglich Erdbebengefahr - APA Note, 14.04.2016
- Die Erde aus Burgen und Bunkern beobachten - DiePresse, 29.04.2016
- Was soll denn das ... Herr Bokelmann und Herr Fuchs? - ProfilWissen, 15.06.2016
- Leib und Beben - Diners Club Magazin Austria, 01/2017
- Eruption of Agung volcano on Bali - ZIB 24 studio talk, ORF, 27.11.2017
- AlpArray & Rockslides - ZIB 2, ORF2, 16.09.2019
- AlpArray & Rockslides - nano, 3sat, 29.10.2019
- Volcanic eruption White Island - ZIB 1/ZIB Nacht, News interview, ORF2, 9.12.2019
- Landslides & Seismology - Ö1 Wissen Aktuell, 16.10.2020
- Thunder research at Gaisberg - ORF Salzburg Today, 23.10.2020
Conference presentations (talks, presenting author only)
- Novoselov, A., Fuchs, F., Dorninger, M., Bokelmann, G., ThunderSeis: Seismic analysis of thunder signals recorded at the Gaisberg mountain, Austria, Poster at the EGU, Vienna 2021
- Schlegel J., Grass A., Fuchs F. (2020), CrowdSlide - a mobile web application for building a database of gravitational mass movements using volunteer field reports, EGU Sharing Geoscience Online 2020
- Fuchs F., Novoselov A., Bokelmann G. (2020), Seismo-acoustic ground coupling: Wave types, transfer efficiency and near surface structure, EGU Sharing Geoscience Online 2020
- Fuchs F., Schneider F., Kolinsky P., Serafin S., Bokelmann G and the AlpArray Working Group (2019), Widespread infrasound detection by AlpArray after explosion near Ingolstadt, 2nd AlpArray Science Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany
- Fuchs F., Novoselov A., Bokelmann G. (2019), Ground Coupling Experiment: Comparison of firework acoustic signals on co-located pressure and seismic sensors, CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop 2019, Aqaba, Jordan
- Fuchs F., Meier T., Stampa, J., Kolinsky P., Tesch M., ORFEUS User Advisory Group (2019), EIDA Data availability, access and quality: From data user and data provider perspective, EPOS Seismology Workshop, Grenoble, France
- Fuchs F., Hibert C., Lenhardt W., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2019), Searching fore-and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, AK Geomorphology, Kiel, Germany
- Fuchs F., Schneider F., Kolinsky P., Serafin S., Bokelmann G., AlpArray Working Group (2019), Complex Propagation of Explosion-Generated Infrasound Revealed by the Large-Scale AlpArray Seismic Network, CTBT SnT 2019, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Schneider F., Kolinsky P., Serafin S., Bokelmann G., AlpArray Working Group (2019), Complex Propagation of Explosion-Generated Infrasound Revealed by the Large-Scale AlpArray Seismic Network, EGU General Assembly, 2019, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Hibert C., Lenhardt W., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, PANGEO Austria 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Schneider F. M., Fuchs F., Kolinsky P., Caffagni E., Serafin S., Dorninger M., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, PANGEO Austria 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Schneider F. M., Fuchs F., Kolinsky P., Caffagni E., Serafin S., Dorninger M., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, ESC General Assembly 2018, Valletta, Malta
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W., Hibert C., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, ESC General Assembly 2018, Valletta, Malta
- Schneider F. M., Fuchs F., Kolinsky P., Caffagni E., Serafin S., Dorninger M., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network, 1st AlpArray Science Meeting 2018, Zurich, Switzerland
- Fuchs F., Hibert C., Lenhardt W., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Searching fore- and afterslides fo gravitational mass movements, TIDES Advanced Training School 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W., Hibert C., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismic records for searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements, Jahrestagung der DGG & AGS 2018, Leoben, Austria
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismic signals from trains: equidistant spectral lines, Jahrestagung der DGG & AGS 2018, Leoben, Austria
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2017), Equidistant spectral lines in train vibrations, AG Seismologie 2017, Bad Breisig, Germany
- Fuchs F. and Bokelmann G. (2017), Broadband seismic effects from train vibrations, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F. (2016), AlpArray and EIDA from data supplier and data user perspective, ORFEUS Annual Observatory Coordination Meeting 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W. and Bokelmann G. (2016), Seismic detection and characterization of gravitational mass movements, Jahrestagung der DGG und AEF 2016, Münster, Germany
- Fuchs F., Lupi M. and Miller S. A. (2015), Remotely triggered nonvolcanic tremor in Sumbawa, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Lupi M., Jakobsdottir S. S., Thordarson T. and Miller S. A. (2012), Seismicity revealed in the Snaefellsness Volcanic Zone, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria
Conference presentations (posters, presenting author only)
- Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., Persistent monochromatic seismic signals across central Europe: AlpArray data indicate a man-made seismic source for regional wave propagation studies, poster at the EGU, Vienna, 2021
- Fuchs F., Hibert C., Lenhardt W., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2019), Resolving temporal evolution of rockslide sequences using AlpArray, 2nd AlpArray Science Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany
- Fuchs F., Kolinsky P., Gröschl G., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2019), AlpArray 2016 & 2017: Data quality analysis based on surface waves, EPOS Seismology Workshop, Grenoble, France
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G. and Meurers B. (2019), Studying temporal changes in the crust with multidisciplinary data: First look at preliminary results from CONRAD observatory, Austria, Cargese Summer School on Passive Imaging 2019, Cargese, Corsica
- Fuchs F., Schneider F., Kolinsky P., Serafin S., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2019), Regional infrasound propagation following the Ingolstadt explosion (September 1, 2018) recorded by the AlpArray seismic network with high (40 km) spatial resolution, Cargese Summer School on Passive Imaging 2019, Cargese, Corsica
- Fuchs F., Schneider F., Kolinsky P., Serafin S., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Regional infrasound propagation following the Ingolstadt explosion (September 1, 2018) recorded by the AlpArray seismic network with high (40 km) spatial resolution, CTBTO Infrasound Technology Workshop 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Caffagni E., Fuchs F., Bokelmann G. (2018), Induced seismicity in the Cooper Basin(Australia): aftershocks seismic efficiency and fluid diffusion, ESC General Assembly 2018, Valletta, Malta
- Fuchs F., Hibert C., Lenhardt W., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Searching fore- and afterslides fo gravitational mass movements, 1st AlpArray Science Meeting 2018, Zurich, Switzerland
- Fuchs F., G. Bokelmann and the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Seismic signals from trains: equidistant spectral lines, TIDES Advanced Training School 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
- Fuchs F., Hibert C., Lenhardt W., Bokelmann G., the AlpArray Working Group (2018), Searching fore- and afterslides fo gravitational mass movements, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W. and Bokelmann G. (2017), Seismic detection and characterization of rockfalls in Austria, EGU Galileo Conference on Environmental Seismology, Ohlstadt, Germany
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2017), Broadband seismic effects from train vibrations, EGU Galileo Conference on Environmental Seismology, Ohlstadt, Germany
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W. and Bokelmann G. (2017), Seismic detection and characterization of rockfalls in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Lupi M. and Saenger E. H. (2017), Remote triggering and numerical simulations of passing seismic waves at the Larderello-Travale geothermal field, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W. and Bokelmann G. (2016), Seismic detection and characterization of gravitational mass movements, AG Seismologie 2016, Bad Salzschlirf, Germany
- Fuchs F., Kolinsky P., Gröschl G., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2016), AlpArray Austria & Slovakia: Site description and noise characterization, AG Seismologie 2016, Bad Salzschlirf, Germany
- Fuchs F., Kolinsky P., Gröschl G., Bokelmann G. and the AlpArray Working Group (2016), AlpArray Austria & Slovakia: Site description and noise characterization, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Lenhardt W. and Bokelmann G. (2016), Seismic detection and characterization of gravitational mass movements, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G., Kolinsky P., Gröschl G., Apoloner M.-T. and the AlpArray Working Group (2015), AlpArray in Austria & Slovakia: The network and current status, AG Seismologie 2015, Wildbad-Kreuth, Germany
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G., Bianchi I., Apoloner M.-T., Kolinsky P. and the AlpArray Working Group (2015), AlpArray Austria: The network and current status, TIDES Advanced Training School 2015, Bertinoro, Italy
- Fuchs F., Bokelmann G., Bianchi I., Apoloner M.-T. and the AlpArray Working Group (2015), AlpArray Austria - Illuminating the subsurface of Austria and understanding of Alpine geodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Lupi M., Fuchs F., Pacheco J. F. and Miller S. A. (2013), Seismic activity triggered at the Turrialba-Irazu volcanic complex, Costa Rica, by the M7.6 2012 Nicoya earthquake, AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA
- Lupi M., Saenger E. H., Fuchs F. and Miller S. A. (2012), A seismic wave propagation study for the triggering of the Lusi mud-volcano, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria
Earthquakes in Austria (in German)