Das Kolloquium wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Forschungsverbund VINAR und der GeoSphere Austria (früher ZAMG) durchgeführt.
Alle Vorträge sind ohne Anmeldung öffentlich zugänglich!
Datum: Dienstags von 16:45 bis 18:15 Uhr
Raum: 2F513 (Exner-Raum), Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, UZA 2, 1090 Wien und online!
04/03/2025 - Markus HOLZNER: "Transport in environmental fluid dynamics: from turbulent dispersion to soil respiration"
© Holzner Markus HOLZNER (BOKU University Vienna)
In this talk, I sketch some recent themes from my research group in environmental fluid dynamics, starting with a brief survey of the main fluid flow problems that we have been investigating in recent years. Then, I discuss in more depth two topics: the dispersion of particle pairs in turbulence and the emission of carbon dioxide from soils via heterotrophic respiration.
Tuesday, 16:45h - 18:15h
Location: Room 2F513, (Exner-Raum), Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, UZA 2, 1090 Vienna and online!
18/03/2025 - Andreas DÖRNBRACK: "Transient tropopause waves"
Andreas DÖRNBRACK (DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt)
Flight-level airborne observations have often detected gravity waves with horizontal wavelengths λx≲10km near the tropopause. Here, in situ and remote sensing aircraft data of these short gravity waves trapped along tropopause inversion layer and collected during a mountain-wave event over southern Scandinavia are analyzed to quantify their spectral energy and energy fluxes and to identify nonstationary modes. A series of three-dimensional numerical simulations are performed to explain the origin of these transient wave modes and to investigate the parameters on which they depend. It turns out that mountain-wave breaking in the middle atmosphere and the subsequent modification of the stratospheric flow are the key factors for the occurrence of trapped modes with λx≲10km. In particular, the intermittent and periodic breaking of mountain waves in the lower stratosphere forms a wave duct directly above the tropopause, in which the short gravity waves are trapped. The characteristics of the trapped, downstream-propagating waves are mainly controlled by the sharpness of the tropopause inversion layer. It could be demonstrated that different settings for optimizing the numerical solver have a significantly smaller influence on the solutions.
Tuesday, 16:45h - 18:15h
Location: Room 2F513, (Exner-Raum), Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, UZA 2, 1090 Vienna and online!
25/03/2025 - Ulrike ROMATSCHKE: "TBA"
Abstract will follow.
Tuesday, 16:45h - 18:15h
Location: Room 2F513, (Exner-Raum), Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, UZA 2, 1090 Vienna and online!
08/04/2025 - Steve SHERWOOD: "TBA"
Steve SHERWOOD (UNSW Climate Change Research Centre)
Abstract will follow.
Tuesday, 16:45h - 18:15h
Location: Room 2F513, (Exner-Raum), Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, UZA 2, 1090 Vienna and online!
06/05/2025 - Takemasa MIYOSHI: "TBA"
Takemasa MIYOSHI (RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
Abstract will follow.
Tuesday, 16:45h - 18:15h
Location: Room 2F513, (Exner-Raum), Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, UZA 2, 1090 Vienna and online!