Ice cloud workshop 2024


Our department is often buzzing with energy, but two days in April this year were particularly busy: on April 11 and 12 we hosted the Ice Cloud Workshop just before the EGU General Assembly.

Over 30 participants from Europe, North America and Asia joined us at IMG to discuss the big questions related to ice clouds and their role for climate. Five talks by early career scientists introduced key problems related to ice clouds and helped us connect the cloud microphysics and climate dynamics communities. We then spent most of the two days in groups to working on questions identified by the participants before the workshop through surveys.

In addition, the social events in the evenings gave us additional time to interact with each other. In summary, we had a great time during the workshop and got new ideas for future work. It's likely that we'll be back at the same time next year to create some more positive chaos in our department, so stay tuned for 2025!

You can find more information about the workshop content on the website of the Climate Dynamics and Modeling Team, including the agenda and the slides of the summary discussion.

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