Publikationen am Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik

Kristiansen, N. I., Arnold, D., Maurer, C., Vira, J., Ra, R., Martin, D., Stohl, A., Stebel, K., Sofiev, M., O'Dowd, C., & Wotawa, G. (2016). Improving Model Simulations of Volcanic Emission Clouds and Assessing Model Uncertainties. in Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment: Modeling and Decision Support (S. 105-124). Wiley.

Haimberger, L., & Hantel, M. (2016). Grundkurs Klima. (1 Aufl.) Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.

Evangeliou, N., Balkanski, Y., Hao, W. M., Petkov, A., Silverstein, R. P., Corley, R., Nordgren, B. L., Urbanski, S. P., Eckhardt, S., Stohl, A., Tunved, P., Crepinsek, S., Jefferson, A., Sharma, S., Nøjgaard, J. K., & Skov, H. (2016). Wildfires in northern Eurasia affect the budget of black carbon in the Arctic-a 12-year retrospective synopsis (2002-2013). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(12), 7587-7604.

Simmer, C., Adrian, G., Sarah Jones, S., Wirth, V., Göber, M., Hohenegger, C., Janjic-Pfander, T., Keller, J., Ohlwein, C., Seifert, A., Trömel, S., Ulbrich, T., Wapler, K., Weissmann, M., Weissmann, M., Keller, J., Masbou, M., Meilinger, S., Riß, N., ... Weingärtner, C. (2016). HErZ: The German Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(6), 1057-1068.

Evangeliou, N., Zibtsev, S., Myroniuk, V., Zhurba, M., Hamburger, T., Stohl, A., Balkanski, Y., Paugam, R., Mousseau, T. A., Møller, A. P., & Kireev, S. I. (2016). Resuspension and atmospheric transport of radionuclides due to wildfires near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 2015: An impact assessment. Scientific Reports, 6, Artikel 26062.

Myhre, C. L., Ferré, B., Platt, S. M., Silyakova, A., Hermansen, O., Allen, G., Pisso, I., Schmidbauer, N., Stohl, A., Pitt, J., Jansson, P., Greinert, J., Percival, C., Fjaeraa, A. M., O'Shea, S. J., Gallagher, M., Le Breton, M., Bower, K. N., Bauguitte, S. J. B., ... Mienert, J. (2016). Extensive release of methane from Arctic seabed west of Svalbard during summer 2014 does not influence the atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(9), 4624-4631.

Van Drooge, B. L., Sicard, M., Stohl, A., Fontal, M., Bravo, N., Muñoz, A., Lange, D., Fernández, P., & Grimalt, J. O. (2016). Detection and simulation of wildfire smoke impacting a Mediterranean urban atmosphere. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 7(3), 494-502.