Publikationen am Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik
Zeige Ergebnisse 681 - 700 von 793
Pichler, D., Schilder, R., & Steinhauser, P. (2006). Mass-spring systems on strip or surface bearings? Systematic studies using as example the test stretch of the Birgltunnel [railway tunnel in Austria] [Masse-feder-systeme auf streifen- oder flašchenlagern? Systematische untersuchungen am beispiel der versuchsstrecke birgltunnel]. VDI Berichte, (1941), 707-717.
Zanolla, C., Braitenberg, C., Ebbing, J., Bernabini, M., Bram, K., Gabriel, G., Götze, H. J., Giammetti, S., Meurers, B., Nicolich, R., & Palmieri, F. (2006). New gravity maps of the Eastern Alps and significance for the crustal structures. Tectonophysics, 414(1-4), 127-143.
Jaubert, G., Bougeault, P., Berger, H., Chimani, B., Flamant, C., Häberli, C., Lothon, M., Nuret, M., & Vogt, S. (2006). Numerical simulation of meso-gamma scale features of föhn at ground level in the Rhine valley. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: a journal of the atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology, and physical oceanography.
Chimani, B., Steinacker, R., Häberli, C., Dorninger, M., & Tschannett, S. (2006). Objective mesoscale analyses in complex terrain: Application to foehn cases during MAP. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 15(1), 117-125.
Ahl, A., & Meurers, B. (2006). Potential Field Continuation between Irregular Surfaces - Problems and Applications. in Opportunities in mature areas : extended abstracts & exhibitors’ catalogue ; 68th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2006 ; 12 - 15 June 2006 Reed Messe Wien Artikel cp-2-00106 European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE.
Richner, H., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Benech, B., Berger, H., Chimani, B., Dorninger, M., Drobinski, P., Furger, M., Gubser, S., Gutermann, T., Häberli, C., Häller, E., Lothon, M., Mitev, V., Ruffieux, D., Seiz, G., Steinacker, R., Tschannett, S., Vogt, S., & Werner, R. (2006). Unstationary aspects of foehn in a large valley part I: Operational setup, scientific objectives and analysis of the cases during the special observing period of the MAP subprogramme FORM. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 92(3-4), 255-284.
Schulz, W., Cummins, K., Diendorfer, G., & Dorninger, M. (2005). Cloud-to-ground lightning in Austria: A 10-year study using data from a lightning location system. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 110(9), 1-20.
Flamant, C., Vrhovec, T., Steinacker, R., & Mayr, G. J. (2005). Summary of the observation-related advances in map. Hrvatski meteoroloski casopis = Croatian meteorological journal, (40), 216.
Sausen, R., & Hantel, M. (2005). Aviation, atmosphere and climate (AAC). Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14(4), 443-444.
Neumeyer, J., Schwintzer, P., Barthelmes, F., Dierks, O., Imanishi, Y., Kroner, C., Meurers, B., Sun, H.-P., & Virtanen, H. (2005). Comparison of superconducting gravimeter and CHAMP satellite derived temporal gravity variations. in C. Reigber, H. Lühr, P. Schwintzer, & J. Wickert (Hrsg.), Earth Observation with CHAMP, Results from Three Years in Orbit (S. 31-36). Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.
Bajons, P., Klinger, G., & Schlosser, V. (2005). Determination of stomatal conductance by means of infrared thermography. Infrared Physics & Technology, 46(5), 429-439.
Hirtl-Wielke, L. (2005). Duration of snow cover of the European Alps. Hrvatski meteoroloski casopis = Croatian meteorological journal, (40), 94-96.
Hirtl-Wielke, L., Haimberger, L., & Hantel, M. (2005). Erratum: Snow cover duration in Switzerland compared to Austria (Meteorologische Zeitschrift vol. 13 (1) (13-17)). Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14(6).
Dorninger, M., Gorgas, T., Beck, A., Ahrens, B., Loibl, W., & Steinacker, R. (2005). Evaluation of retrospective regional climate model runs with VERA within the project reclip: More. Hrvatski meteoroloski casopis = Croatian meteorological journal, (40), 585-588.
Bica, B., & Steinacker, R. (2005). High resolution precipitation analysis over complex terrain by using physical a priori knowledge. Hrvatski meteoroloski casopis = Croatian meteorological journal, 40(1), 145-148.
Berger, F. H., & Hantel, M. (2005). Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg 1905-2005 [Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg 1905-2005]. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14(5), 595-596.
Grubisic, V., Vellore, R., & Huggins, A. W. (2005). Quantitative precipitation forecasting of wintertime storms in the Sierra Nevada: Sensitivity to the microphysical parameterization and horizontal resolution. Monthly Weather Review, (133), 2834-2859.
Bernhofer, C., Goldberg, V., & Hantel, M. (2005). Special issue on biometeorology. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14(2), 103-106.
Brummer, B., & Hantel, M. (2005). Special issue on the SFB 512 "Cyclones and the North Atlantic climate system". Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14(6).
Steinacker, R. (2005). Unstationary aspects of föhn in a large valley. Hrvatski meteoroloski casopis = Croatian meteorological journal, (40), 72-76.
Zeige Ergebnisse 681 - 700 von 793