Publications at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics
Showing entries 421 - 440 out of 832
Cassiani, M., Ardeshiri, H., Park, S. Y., Stohl, A., Marro, M., Salizzoni, P., Pisso, I., Stebel, K., Dinger, S., & Kylling, A. (2017). A large eddy simulation study of mean dispersion and concentration fluctuations from a point source. 793-797. Paper presented at 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2017, Bologna, Italy.
Kiszely, M., Monus, P., & Gribovszki, K. (2017). A „Szeizmológia az iskolában” program elindítása Magyarországon (The „Seismology in school” project starts in Hungary) in Hungarian. Magyar Geofizika, 58(3), 191-196.
Schippkus, S., Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., & AlpArray Working Group (2017). Ambient noise techniques for better understanding of seismic hazard in the wider Vienna Basin region. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Esterhazy, S., Schneider, F. M., Perugia, I., & Bokelmann, G. (2017). Application of high-order finite-element method to the P-wave propagation around and inside an underground cavity. Geophysics, 82(4), T197-T206.
Stohl, A., Shevchenko, V. P., Evangeliou, N., Lisitsyn, A. P., Novigatsky, A. N., Starodymova, D. P., Thompson, R. L., & Zakharova, E. V. (2017). Atmospheric black carbon over the North Atlantic and Russian Arctic seas in summer–autumn time, 2015–2016. Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 24, 441.
Fuchs, F., Bokelmann, G., & AlpArray Working Group (2017). Broadband seismic effects from train vibrations. EGU Galileo Conference on Environmental Seismology, Ohlstadt 2017, Ohlstadt, Germany.
Liu, C., Allan, R., Mayer, M., Hyder, P., Loeb, N., Roberts, C., Valdivieso, M., Edwards, J., & Vidale, P.-L. (2017). Evaluation of satellite and reanalysis-based global net surface energy flux and uncertainty estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(12), 6250-6272.
Gribovszki, K., Kovacs, K., Monus, P., Bokelmann, G., Konecny, P., Lednicka, M., Moseley, G., Edwards, R. L., Spötl, C., Bednarik, M., Brimich, L., Toth, L., Hegymegi, E., Kegyes-Brassai, C., & Szeidovitz, G. (2017). Hosszú távú földrengés-veszélyeztetettség becslése a Detrekoi-zsombloy (Kis-Kárpátok, Szlovákia) sértetlen állócseppkövének vizsgálatával. Magyar Geofizika, 58.
Rosa, J. W. C., Rosa, J. W. C., & Bokelmann, G. (2017). Lateral variation of crustal properties from aerogeophysical data in northern Brazil. Geophysics, 82(5), J39-J60.
Niu, Q., & Zhang, C. (2017). Pore-scale modelling of complex conductivity of saturated granular materials. Near Surface Geophysics, 15(6), 593-602.
Sachsperger, J., Serafin, S., Grubisic, V., Stiperski, I., & Paci, A. (2017). The amplitude of lee waves on the boundary-layer inversion. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143, 27-36.
Hetényi, G., Bianchi, I., Plomerova, J., Kampfova Exnerova, H., & AlpArray Working Group (2017). The interaction between the Adria and Europe plates at their boundary in the Eastern Alps (project EASI). EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Dorninger, M., & Kloiber, S. (2017). Verification of forecast ensembles in complex terrain including observation uncertainty. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, Article 13580.
Donohoe, A., & Voigt, A. (2017). Why Future Shifts in Tropical Precipitation Will Likely Be Small: The Location of the Tropical Rain Belt and the Hemispheric Contrast of Energy Input to the Atmosphere. In Climate Extremes: Patterns and Mechanisms (Vol. 226, pp. 115-137)
Bianchi, I., Lucente, F. P., Di Bona, M., Govoni, A., & Piana Agostinetti, N. (2016). Crustal structure and deformation across a mature slab tear zone: the case of southern Tyrrhenian Subduction (Italy). Geophysical Research Letters, 43(24), 12380-12388.
Pisso, I., Lund Myhre, C., Platt, S. M., Eckhardt, S., Hermansen, O., Schmidbauer, N., Mienert, J., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Bauguitte, S., Pitt, J., Allen, G., Bower, K. N., O’Shea, S., Gallagher, M. W., Percival, C. J., Pyle, J., Cain, M., & Stohl, A. (2016). Constraints on oceanic methane emissions west of svalbard from atmospheric in situ measurements and lagrangian transport modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(23), 14,188-14,200.
Kumer, V. M., Reuder, J., Dorninger, M., Zauner, R., & Grubisic, V. (2016). Turbulent kinetic energy estimates from profiling wind LiDAR measurements and their potential for wind energy applications. Renewable Energy, 99, 898-910.
Kovalets, I., Andronopoulos, S., Hofman, R., Seibert, P., & Ivedin, I. (2016). Advanced method for source term estimation and status of its integration in JRODOS. Radioprotection, 51(HS2), S121 - S123.
Mayer, M., Fasullo, J. T., Haimberger, L., & Trenberth, K. E. (2016). ENSO-Driven Energy Budget Perturbations in Observations and CMIP Models. Climate Dynamics, 47, 4009-4029.
Groot Zwaaftink, C. D., Grythe, H., Skov, H., & Stohl, A. (2016). Substantial contribution of northern high-latitude sources to mineral dust in the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(22), 13,678-13,697.
Showing entries 421 - 440 out of 832