Publications at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics
Showing entries 721 - 740 out of 793
Smith, R. B., Jiang, Q., Fearon, M. G., Tabary, P., Dorninger, M., Doyle, J. D., & Benoit, R. (2003). Orographic precipitation and air mass transformation: An Alpine example. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: a journal of the atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology, and physical oceanography, 129(588 PART B).
Drobinski, P., Häberli, C., Richard, E., Lothon, M., Dabas, A., Flamant, P. H., Furger, M., & Steinacker, R. (2003). Scale interaction processes during the MAP IOP 12 south fošhn event in the Rhine Valley. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: a journal of the atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology, and physical oceanography, 129(588 PART B).
Schaff, D. P., Bokelmann, G., Beroza, G. C., Waldhauser, F., & Ellsworth, W. L. (2002). High resolution image of Calaveras fault seismicity. Journal of Geophysical Research, 633-668. [107].
Vitushkin, L. F., Becker, M., Jiang, Z., Francis, O., van Dam, T. M., Faller, J. E., Chartier, J. M., Amalvict, M., Bonvalot, S., Debeglia, N., Desogus, S., Diament, M., Dupont, F., Falk, R., Gabalda, G., Gagnon, C. G. L., Gattacceca, T., Germak, A., Hinderer, J., ... Williams, S. (2002). Results of the sixth international comparison of absolute gravimeters, ICAG-2001. Metrologia: international journal of pure and applied metrology, 39(5), 407-424.
Bokelmann, G. (2002). Which forces drive North America? Geology, 30(11), 1027.<1027:WFDNA>2.0.CO;2
Meurers, B., Ruess, D., & Graf, J. (2001). A program system for high precise Bouguer gravity determination. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 26, 217-226.
Stohl, A., Haimberger, L., Scheele, M. P., & Wernli, H. (2001). An intercomparison of results from three trajectory models. Meteorological Applications, 8(2), 127-135.
Rubel, F., & Hantel, M. (2001). BALTEX 1/6-degree daily precipitation climatology 1996-1998. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 77(1-4), 155-166.
Skoda, G. (2001). Climatology of extreme precipitation in Austria for use in the field of hydrology [Klimatologie extremer Niederschläge in Österreich für hydrologische Belange]. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 53(3-4), 88-102.
Haimberger, L., & Hantel, M. (2001). Convection in PIDCAP part I: Evaluating LAM convection. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 77(1-4), 85-98.
Hantel, M., & Haimberger, L. (2001). Convection in PIDCAP Part II: DIAMOD - A standard for diagnosing convective quantities. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 77(1-4), 185-204.
Meurers, B., & Ruess, D. (2001). Gravity measurements at the Hochkar calibration line (HCL). Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 26, 209-215.
Haimberger, L., Ahrens, B., & Hantel, M. (2001). Impact of time sampling on atmospheric energy budget residuals. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 77(1-4), 167-184.
Mazzera, D. M., Lowenthal, D. H., Chow, J., Watson, J. G., & Grubisic, V. (2001). PM10 measurements at McMurdo Station, Antartica. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 1891-1902.
Meurers, B. (2001). Remarks on the discontinuity of the gravity gradient at the apex of a cone. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 26, 181-186.
Mansinha, L., Ducarme, B., Hinderer, J., Meurers, B., & van Ruymbeke, M. (2001). Search for the Gravitational Absorption Effect Using Superconducting Gravimeters During the Eclipse of August 11, 1999. Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 47(1), 387-391.
Meurers, B. (2001). Superconducting gravimetry in Geophysical research today. Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 47(1), 300-307.
Bougeault, P., Binder, P., Buzzi, A., Dirks, R. A., Kuettner, J. P., Houze, R., Smith, R. B., Steinacker, R., & Volkert, H. (2001). The MAP Special Observing Period. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82(3), 433-462.<0433:TMSOP>2.3.CO;2
Meurers, B. (2001). Tidal and Non-tidal Gravity Variations in Vienna - a Five Years‘ SG Record. Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 47(1), 392-397.
Steinacker, R., Häberli, C., & Poettschacher, W. (2000). A transparent method for the analysis and quality evaluation of irregulary distributed and noisy observational data. Monthly Weather Review, 128(7 I), 2303-2316.<2303:ATMFTA>2.0.CO;2
Showing entries 721 - 740 out of 793