Publications at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics
Showing entries 641 - 660 out of 803
Kottmeir, C., Kalthoff, N., Barthlott, C., Corsmeier, U., Van Baelen, J., Behrendt, A., Behrendt, R., Blyth, A., Coulter, R., Crewell, S., Di Girolamo, P., Dorninger, M., Flamant, C., Foken, T., Hagen, M., Hauck, C., Höller, H., Konow, H., Kunz, M., ... Wulfmeyer, V. (2008). Mechanisms initiating deep convection over complex terrain during COPS. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17(6), 931-948.
Mayer, D., & Rubel, F. (2008). A Lagrangian particle model to predict the airborne spread of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Atmospheric Environment, 42(3), 466-479.
Haimberger, L. (2008). Assessing bias and uncertainty in the HadAT adjusted radiosonde climate record. Journal of Climate, 21, 817-832.
Grubisic, V., & Billings, B. J. (2008). Climatology of the Sierra Nevada mountain wave events. Monthly Weather Review, 136, 757-768.
Haimberger, L. (2008). Consistency of modelled and observed temperature trends in the tropical troposphere. International Journal of Climatology.
Hantel, M., Bechtold, P., & Steinheimer, M. (2008). Convection in Lorenz's global energy cycle with the ECMWF model. Tellus. Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 60A, 1001-1022.
Rubel, F., Brugger, K., & Hantel, M. (2008). Explaining Usutu virus dynamics in Austria: Model development and calibration. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, (85), 166-186.
Vajda, P., Ellmann, A., Meurers, B., Vanicek, P., Novak, P., & Tenzer, R. (2008). Global ellipsoid-referenced topographic, bathymetric and stripping corrections to gravity disturbance. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica: a journal of geophysics, geodesy, meteorology and climatology, 52, 19-34.
Vajda, P., Ellmann, A., Meurers, B., Vanicek, P., Novak, P., & Tenzer, R. (2008). GRAVITY DISTURBANCES IN REGIONS OF NEGATIVE HEIGHTS: A REFERENCE QUASI-ELLIPSOID APPROACH. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica: a journal of geophysics, geodesy, meteorology and climatology.
Dorninger, M., & Zappa, M. (2008). MAP D-PHASE: real-time demonstration of hydrological
ensemble prediction systems. Atmospheric Science Letters.
Smith, R. B., Jensen, J., Jiang, Q., Woods, B. K., Cooper, W. A., Doyle, J. D., & Grubisic, V. (2008). Mountain Waves Entering the Stratosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 2543-2562.
Schneider, S., Chimani, B., Bica, B., Lotteraner, C., Tschannett, S., & Steinacker, R. (2008). Nowcasting of a supercell storm with VERA. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 23-36.
Haimberger, L. (2008). On the homogeneity of radiosonde wind time series. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17.
Dorninger, M., Schneider, S., & Steinacker, R. (2008). On the interpolation of precipitation data over complex terrain. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
Haimberger, L. (2008). Recent Arctic warming vertical structure contested. Nature, 2-3.
Wulfmeyer, V., Behrendt, A., Bauer, H.-S., Kottmeier, C., Corsmeier, U., Blyth, A., Craig, G., Schumann, U., Hagen, M., Crewell, S., Di Girolamo, P., Dorninger, M., Steinacker, R., Flamant, C., Montani, A., Mobbs, S. D., Richard, E., Rotach, M., Arpagaus, M., ... Weckwerth, T. M. (2008). Research Campaign: The convective and orographically induced precipitation study. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1477-1486.
Dorninger, M., & Alberoni, P. P. (2008). RISK AWARE special issue. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, G., & Zaroli, C. (2008). Splitlab: a shear-wave splitting environment in Matlab. Computers & Geosciences, 515-528.
Grubisic, V., & Billings, B. J. (2008). Summary of the Sierra Rotors Project wave and rotor events. Atmospheric Science Letters, 9(4), 176-181.
Doyle, J. D., Kuettner, J. P., Mobbs, S. D., Smith, R. B., Whiteman, C. D., Dirks, R. A., Chow, F. K., Haimov, S., De Wekker, S. F. J., Czyzyk, S., Cohn, S. A., Vosper, S. B., Pan, L. L., Weissmann, M., & Grubisic, V. (2008). The Terrain-induced Rotor Experiment: A field campaign overview including observational highlights. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89(10), 1513-1533.
Showing entries 641 - 660 out of 803