Publications at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics
Showing entries 401 - 420 out of 793
Lu, X., Zhang, L., Yue, X., Zhang, J., Jaffe, D. A., Stohl, A., Zhao, Y., & Shao, J. (2016). Wildfire influences on the variability and trend of summer surface ozone in the mountainous western United States. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(22), 14687-14702.
Kristiansen, N. I., Arnold, D., Maurer, C., Vira, J., Ra, R., Martin, D., Stohl, A., Stebel, K., Sofiev, M., O'Dowd, C., & Wotawa, G. (2016). Improving Model Simulations of Volcanic Emission Clouds and Assessing Model Uncertainties. In Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment: Modeling and Decision Support (pp. 105-124). Wiley.
Cassiani, M., Stohl, A., Olivié, D., Seland, Ø., Bethke, I., Pisso, I., & Iversen, T. (2016). The offline Lagrangian particle model FLEXPART-NorESM/CAM (v1): Model description and comparisons with the online NorESM transport scheme and with the reference FLEXPART model. Geoscientific Model Development, 9(11), 4029-4048.
Mayer, M., Haimberger, L., Pietschnig, M., & Storto, A. (2016). Facets of Arctic energy accumulation based on observations and reanalyses 2000–2015. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(19), 10,420-10,429.
Qorbani Chegeni, E., Bokelmann, G., Kovacs, I., Horvath, F., & Falus, G. (2016). Deformation in the asthenospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian region. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 121(9), 6644-6657.
Winiger, P., Andersson, A., Eckhardt, S., Stohl, A., & Gustafsson, O. (2016). The sources of atmospheric black carbon at a European gateway to the Arctic. Nature Communications, 7, Article 12776.
Evangeliou, N., Hamburger, T., Talerko, N., Zibtsev, S., Bondar, Y., Stohl, A., Balkanski, Y., Mousseau, T. A., & Møller, A. P. (2016). Reconstructing the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) accident 30 years after. A unique database of air concentration and deposition measurements over Europe. Environmental Pollution, 216, 408-418.
Mikolaj, M., Meurers, B., & Güntner, A. (2016). Modelling of global mass effects in hydrology, atmosphere and oceans on surface gravity. Computers & Geosciences, 93, 12-20.
Behm, M., Nakata, N., & Bokelmann, G. (2016). Regional ambient noise tomography in the Eastern Alps of Europe. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(8), 2813–2840.
Caffagni, E., Eaton, D. W., Jones, J. P., & van der Baan, M. (2016). Detection and analysis of microseismic events using a Matched Filtering Algorithm (MFA). Geophysical Journal International, 206(1), 644-658.
Evangeliou, N., Balkanski, Y., Hao, W. M., Petkov, A., Silverstein, R. P., Corley, R., Nordgren, B. L., Urbanski, S. P., Eckhardt, S., Stohl, A., Tunved, P., Crepinsek, S., Jefferson, A., Sharma, S., Nøjgaard, J. K., & Skov, H. (2016). Wildfires in northern Eurasia affect the budget of black carbon in the Arctic-a 12-year retrospective synopsis (2002-2013). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(12), 7587-7604.
Serafin, S., De Wekker, S. F. J., & Knievel, J. (2016). A mesoscale model-based climatography of nocturnal boundary-layer characteristics over the complex terrain of north-western Utah. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 159(3), 495-519.
Nabavi, S. O., Haimberger, L., & Samimi, C. (2016). Climatology of dust distribution over West Asia from homogenized remote sensing data. Aeolian Research, 21, 93–107.
Seibert, P. (2016). Influences of updated land-use datasets on WRF simulations for two Austrian regions. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 128(3), 279-301.
Simmer, C., Adrian, G., Sarah Jones, S., Wirth, V., Göber, M., Hohenegger, C., Janjic-Pfander, T., Keller, J., Ohlwein, C., Seifert, A., Trömel, S., Ulbrich, T., Wapler, K., Weissmann, M., Weissmann, M., Keller, J., Masbou, M., Meilinger, S., Riß, N., ... Weingärtner, C. (2016). HErZ: The German Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(6), 1057-1068.
Evangeliou, N., Zibtsev, S., Myroniuk, V., Zhurba, M., Hamburger, T., Stohl, A., Balkanski, Y., Paugam, R., Mousseau, T. A., Møller, A. P., & Kireev, S. I. (2016). Resuspension and atmospheric transport of radionuclides due to wildfires near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 2015: An impact assessment. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 26062.
Myhre, C. L., Ferré, B., Platt, S. M., Silyakova, A., Hermansen, O., Allen, G., Pisso, I., Schmidbauer, N., Stohl, A., Pitt, J., Jansson, P., Greinert, J., Percival, C., Fjaeraa, A. M., O'Shea, S. J., Gallagher, M., Le Breton, M., Bower, K. N., Bauguitte, S. J. B., ... Mienert, J. (2016). Extensive release of methane from Arctic seabed west of Svalbard during summer 2014 does not influence the atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(9), 4624-4631.
Van Drooge, B. L., Sicard, M., Stohl, A., Fontal, M., Bravo, N., Muñoz, A., Lange, D., Fernández, P., & Grimalt, J. O. (2016). Detection and simulation of wildfire smoke impacting a Mediterranean urban atmosphere. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 7(3), 494-502.
Le Bras, R., Kuzma, H., Sucic, V., & Bokelmann, G. (2016). Observations and Bayesian location methodology of transient acoustic signals (likely blue whales) in the Indian Ocean, using a hydrophone triplet. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(5), 2656-2667.
Showing entries 401 - 420 out of 793