
Showing entries 41 - 45 out of 45
Hutt, A., Schraff, C., Anlauf, H., Bach, L., Baldauf, M., Bauernschubert, E., Cress, A., Faulwetter, R., Fundel, F., Köpken-Watts, C., Reich, H., Schomburg, A., Schröttle, J., Stephan, K., Stiller, O., Weissmann, M., & Potthast, R. (2020). Assimilation of SEVIRI Water Vapor Channels With an Ensemble Kalman Filter on the Convective Scale. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, Article 70.

Baars, H., Geiss, A., Wandinger, U., Herzog, A., Engelmann, R., Bühl, J., Radenz, M., Seifert, P., Ansmann, A., Martin, A., Leinweber, R., Lehmann, V., Weissmann, M., Cress, A., Filioglou, M., Komppula, M., & Reitebuch, O. (2020). First Results from the German Cal/Val Activities for Aeolus. The European physical journal. Web of conferences : proceedings, 237.

Showing entries 41 - 45 out of 45