

The climate researcher Vanessa Rieger was awarded with one of the Marie Jahoda Grants of the University of Vienna. The program supports highly...


Open Air Kino und Diskussionen, u. a. mit Klimaforscher Aiko Voigt und dem Film "The Day After Tomorrow" am 5. Juni 2023


"Jetzt geht es um alles", sagt Meteorologie-Alumni Marcus Wadsak im neuen UNIVIE-Alumni-Magazin. Er setzt sich für bessere Klima-Kommunikation ein...


The additional wind information from the Aeolus mission leads to a significant reduction forecast errors in data assimilation experiments.


Science is fascinating, impactful, multifaceted - and female, too! To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on Feb 11, we have...


New year, new snapshots - new photo competition: The "Snapshots of Exploration" photo competition for students at the Faculty of Earth Sciences,...


No news available.

 Previous Events

30.09.2019 08:30

Lectures appointment procedure "Climate Science"

Invitation to the hearings within the professorial appointment "Climate Science".

26.09.2019 11:00

Information event for the studies of Meteorology

18.06.2019 12:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Imaging subsurface structures in the San Jacinto fault zone with high frequency noise recorded by dense linear arrays".

21.05.2019 12:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Comparisons of GPS solutions for strain and SKS fast directions: New Zealand, European Alps and California situations".

30.04.2019 12:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Subseasonal to seasonal precipitation and streamflow forecast: predictability and skills".

29.04.2019 14:00

Defensio Ehsan Sharifi

Öffentliche kommissionelle Prüfung (Defensio) zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften

an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften,...