

In the course of the project ICE-CONTROL funded by the Austrian Klima- und Energiefonds a wind energy plant has been equipped with meteorological...


Research and teaching in the station in Costa Rica

Die aktuelle Forschungstätigkeit sowie die meteorologisch-klimatologische Exkursion 2016 der Meteorologen an der universitären Außenstelle in Costa...


The democratic peoples republic Korea (North Korea) announced another test of a nuclear bomb during the night of September 9th, 2016.


How does a temporary seismic station look like? The Austrian science magazine "profil Wissen" answered this question in the June 2016 volume, showing...


On Tuesday the 5th of July 2016, the University of Vienna celebrated its new PhD and Master recipients, in the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics – and...


Johannes Sachsperger successfully defended his dissertation entitled „On lee waves and rotors“ on Friday, 24th of June 2016. His advisor Prof. Dr....