Volume 1 of the 5th IPCC Assessment Report is online


Volume 1 of the 5th IPCC Assessment Report, which has appeared on 30 September is the most comprehensive source of information about current and future climate change.

Volume 1 of the 5th IPCC Assessment Report provides detailed documentation of the observed climate changes and predicts that significant climate changes will still occur in this century if the burning of fossil fuels is not seriously slowed down.

Experts at the IPCC are not bothered by the weaker warming of the ground-level atmosphere over the last 10 years and still predict dramatic and centuries-old irreversible changes to the planet. The Arctic ice will disappear in the summer, it is expected to have 4 degrees higher annual mean temperatures and the sea level could rise by the year 2100 by half a meter.

 Details can be found at ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/ for the report itself; for more background information visit www.climatechange2013.org

Also the IMGW is represented in volume 1 with Prof. Haimberger as contributing author to the chapter 2 and several works with authors of the IMGW are quoted. An Austrian-specific report (Austrian Assessment Report, AAR 2013) based on existing research on climate change for Austria, its consequences and their prevention, adaptation and emission reduction options is also in progress, more at www.apcc.ac.at , The IMGW is also involved in this.