UniClub Workshop


After the Mathematics/Earthquake Workshop within the scope of the 6th Vienna’s Daughters Day at the University of Vienna had experienced a particularly positive response, the group of geophysics was requested to offer their workshop once again. This time as a program point of the UniClub (www.uniclub.at) for teenagers between 13 to 19 years who are interested in the University of Vienna and the everyday world of scientists and students.

Together with the slogan "Diversity forms! Form Diversity“ young people shall  be introduced to the University of Vienna, which have a more difficult access due to individual, social or structural conditions (e.g. immigrant background, financial and legal discrimination, disability, …) to the university. To a group of about 20 young people a vibrant lecture on the mathematical methods in earthquake research with many practical, vivid and culinary exercises was therefore offered on Friday, May 8, 16:30 to 18:30,  which again they thanked for with their energetic participation and curiosity.

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