Christmas celebration of the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics


Christmas celebration of the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics on 17.12.

This year, the ceremony was particularly moody, with Dr. Enrico Caffagni and and MSc. Antonio Sanchis-Dufau contributing the musical program - and that was really worth seeing and hearing! Starting with their background music alone, all joined in - so it became a real jam session. Thank you very much, everybody.

Furthermore, the head of the institute, Prof. Götz Bokelmann has taken the opportunity to say goodbye to Dr. Dimitri Zigone who will start his new job as physicien adjoint in Strasbourg, and presented him a 3D map of Austria as a gift - with pieces of wisdom from the colleagues written on it. We wish him the best for his new job - and are looking forward to further joint work, then between Vienna and Strasbourg.